Part 3

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                                  I woke and didn't realize where I was at. Last night was one hell of a night. I notice I was at my girl crib and her arms was wrapped around my waist I didn't like shit like that so I moved it quickly. I felt like she did it so I couldn't creep out on her ass. I would never creep though cause I'll leave when I'm fucking ready.

                                  "Baby where you going ," she said. She felt me hopping out the bed. I just ignored her and went into the bathroom. I don't answer to no bitch. I went into bathroom and took care everything. Took a fire ass shower got dressed and headed out the door. I never tell her I'm leaving and she know better than to question it.

                               Today was like any other day minus the heat. it felt good outside, I head to my house cause I had some business to take care of. I pull in the driveway and saw my brother's car outside. I was gonna be mad as fuck if he had another hoe in my crib when we talked about this. I walked inside the house and hear the noise from my television. Yo, bruh what's up, my brother stood up and dapped me off when I entered the living room.

                               "What's good, 'betta not be no bitches in my house lil nigga," I said in a stern tone with a boot in my lip. "Man, ain't no bitches in here ya heard me," he said with both hand raised up. Well what's up son, what you doing here? Man dad tripping on me and saying I'm losing him money. Bro didn't have all the money so I let him go with 20 G's. I clenched my jaw, the fuck I told you bout that shit.

                              He sat down, man dad already kicked me out, I'm not tryna hear that from you to. I don't give a fuck what you trying to not hear in my shit ya dig, I snapped. I should whoop your fucking ass. What we do is life or death and you not cut for this. He stood up shouting, "I am cut out for this," after you is my---. After me its your what? you a fucking joke and you always fucking some shit up.

                               I'm not no fucking joke, Dre said kind of pissed off at what I said. He like family bruh. If you not a joke than what the fuck are you? How they don't give you all the money but you giving them all the product. Family, man I don't give a fuck about that shit. LIKE FAMILY nigga but they not. You a whole fucking joke outchea son, I wanted to chill today to now I got to go correct you fucking mistake, i'm out.

 I just left his lil goofy ass sitting there. I wasn't gonna kick him out like my Pops did, but I wanted to. I grabbed my phone out my pocked and dialed mark number.

                              Yo, what's up Rome , Mark said. What the fuck you mean what's up, I want all my money. Man Dre said-- Fuck with Dre said I want the rest in 2 hours or we gonna have a problem, and next time ask me before you listen to what Dre say, I said. Then I hung up the phone in his face.

                             I needed to do something for 2 hour before I pick my shit up and decided to get me something to eat. I was feenin for breakfast food so I went to Tastee's. I loved them they sold all day break and the food was high quality. I rode and got out. I walked in and I saw this bad ass waitress, I made mental note get her number. I order a sausage egg and cheese on French a nigga was hungry.

2 hours later

                              I got to link up place and this nigga wasn't even here. What the fuck, I said. Oh he think it's a game. I was heading back to my car then I saw his car rolling up. He got out with the suitcase of 20 G's and said, my bad son. You know i'm good for it bruh, then handed it to me.

                               I know we fuck with yall like that but bruh don't ever in your fucking life before I could even finish my sentence.... Put yours hands up someone said from behind me, I turned around and looked at this nigga. Son you called 12? I looked at him with the most intense stare and smiled. He knew that mean go into hiding or get killed.

                             " Get down on damn ground!", the pig shouted and I complied. We waited 30 mins and a all black truck pulled up. This man got out and I swore I saw his face before. He looked at me, with so much disgust in his face I was wondering what was going on.

                             He walked up to me and punched me in my shit. I wont lie that old nigga had some strength to him. He punch me over and over. I started to feel my eyes swelling up. Put him the fucking truck, he yelled at the other officers . They place handcuff on me, then threw me in the back of truck. Today was my last day alive and all I could think of were the bitches I wish I would of fucked, my mom, my pops, and the payback my fam was gonna get. So ultimately I knew I wasn't dying alone.

                            The car finally came to a stop. "We're here sir," one of the officers said Ok pull him out. The black bag over my head concealed my surroundings I didn't know where I was at. I heard a women say he wasn't taking any visitors, "tell him I need to see him Now!" the older man shouted. After a lil min we started walking.

                            This way sir, a women said. We walked up at least three flights of stairs and now we was at our destination. I heard a knock on the door, come in. The sound was a lil muffled. What can I help you with, someone said and he sounded just like---, the bag came off my head. Pops?

                          My pops scream! "What did you do to my son?" pulling out his 4'5. My mom ran into his office and saw my face," what is the meaning of this?" I looked and he had his glock pointed at my dad, the other officers had theirs pointed out to.

                        "Sit down!", he screamed. His voice boomed through the room. My Pops complied and mom waited for him to signal her to sit down. My moms was fucking soulja outchea . "Now put your guns away", he said while motioning for everybody to put them away. I couldn't figure out who he was or what he wanted. My Pops put his gun away and he had his officer withdraw theirs . He took a seat next to my mom and said lets talk.

                           "I'm very pissed off, 'very pissed off",  I'll tell you why. Your son got shy, sweet, virgin daughter pregnant. I almost passed the fuck out. I never even mess with virgins, I like my women with experience. My Pops shoot me a mean mug and my mom rolled her eyes at me.

                          " I don't even fuck with virgins," I spoke up. He pulled out his phone and passed it to my mom who then passed it to my Dad.

                            This little bundle of joy is my grandson, Damari. My daughter went through nine months alone and I was gonna let her raise him alone but she didn't have him alone. So what we gonna do about this, cause I'm thinking marriage,.

                          " MARRIAGE?" Yes marriage. I'm the chief of police I can kill you and all your family and no one would even bat a eye. You're scum to the world and drug deal gone bad wouldn't be far fetch ya heard me. I come from the block same as you but I choose to go down the better route. Having me as a in-law would also help you as well. I don't have to bring a fucking thing to the table but imma put something up. You will never have to worry about the police. No tickets, no arrest, no nothing. You will be able to move your weight not through me of course but you wont even be on the radar, like your are with the feds. I can make all that shit go away.

That's sounded good as fuck, I wont lie but not at the expense of marring some bitch I don't know.

"Deal," my father said wasting no time, but we gonna need that DNA and what if my son not the dad?

                                I know your son the dad, I wouldn't have beat his ass if I wasn't a hunnit., but yea we can do a DNA but in the mean time she'll be moving with in him. The wedding will be held in 2 weeks tops. Some of my colleagues will be there so act accordingly and the only reason this is happening is because my name wont be smeared because of a mistake my daughter made.

He signaled and one of the officers uncuffed me. Oh and yall can keep that picture was all he said. Then he left.


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