Part 2

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                           I was breathing so hard, "Take deep breaths Mani everything is gonna be okay", My mom said.

                          I was having contractions and they were 10 minutes apart. Ma it hurts, I whined like I wasn't even 27 years old. I was crouched over waiting for her to pack my things. My dad was at work so he couldn't make it, but I knew he didn't really want to be there anyway.

                         "Come on Mani," my mother called out. I have everything you could possibly need and I'll just come back if I missed anything. I walk to my moms truck with a hunch in my back. I was still shocked that I was having a baby. I hopped into the truck and my clamped seatbelt.

                          We finally made it to the hospital, I was really relieved. I sat there while my mother got everything situated. The nurse brought out a wheelchair for me and rolled me to my room. When we got there I was frightened, the thought of becoming a bad parent roamed my mind. The thought of just becoming a parent scared me.

                         Stop it, you was suppose to be here. I overhear my mom talking to my dad. I knew he wasn't gonna come. He was close to disowning me when he found out. In the field my dad is in he is doted on and a daughter having a child out of wedlock would be a embarrassment to him. I won't lie, I thought he would come around though, but I guess not. My dad didn't believe in mistakes if it wasn't him.

10 hours later

                        I welcomed my baby boy into this world Damari Prince Harrison. His small finger wrapped around mine and he came out with a full head of hair. I was happy, no I was lucky. I wouldn't change this feeling for nothing. I didn't want to let him go, not to sleep or do anything.

                        My dad finally walked in the hospital room. He was muggin me as usual. He wanted me to get a abortion so fast, that is just something I didn't believe in. His phone rang loud waking my little man up, and he begin to whine. I rolled my eyes, my dad was getting on my last nerve. He step out the room and took his call. A little while later he walked and said he had business to attend to. He didn't even look at my son, I understood though because he barely wanted to look at me.

                           A couple of days had passed and It was time for me and little man to go home. I was moving in my parents place for a little while so my mom can help me him. Even though my dad was upset my mother was actually happy. She was glad that I decided to keep the baby but she will never tell me that cause she would never go against my him.

                         I was back in my old room, they set everything up from my baby crib to the baby walker, I didn't understand why they had his walker this early but I was happy they did it. I was happy they made him a place here even though they didn't approve. He was sleep so I put him in his crib. I was so tired, it been a long couple of days and I just need a little shut eye.

                         I woke up to my mom and dad fussing and Prince crying. I hopped up and picked him up examining what could be wrong and doing what I can to make him feel better again. I'm fixing her damn mistake my dad scream and that's that. You putting our lively hood on the line cause of your pride my mother yelled. I stick by your side through everything but this I wont agree with. That's my child to, so don't tell me what's best for her. I know what's best for her. This is going to happen weather you like it or not.

                         After I got Prince situated, I creep downstairs to listen to they conversation more. This is what's best my mom said. I guess she finally agreed with my dad as always. Yea baby, trust me this is what's best. The step creaked as I went down and both looked in my direction. My mom walked off crying and my dad walked off behind her.

                        "What was that," I said to myself? What the hell is going on? I returned to my room in a bit of a panic, maybe my mom not gonna help anymore. What am I gonna do I don't know how to take care of a child and I don't have any siblings? Prince woke back up crying again cause his diaper needed to be change. After changing his diaper, I laid him back in his crib. I laid on my bed and thought on what could be going on. I didn't have the slightest clue. My body became sluggish and I can feel my eyelids closing, I was fast asleep.

                        I woke up and felt really rested. I looked on the clock and saw it was 10 a.m. Damn I said to myself, it was the next day. I got up and went to Prince crib but he wasn't there. I just figured my mom had him. I was still getting used to him waking me up at all hours of the day. I went took care of my morning hygiene and headed downstairs for some food. My mom, dad, and prince was nowhere in sight. I didn't pay it much mind really cause I knew he would always be safe with them, so I continued to the kitchen. I made me a hot sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich, sat at the table and began to eat.

                         Once I was done, I was about to go to my room and lay back but then my mom and dad walked inside the house, with no Prince in sight. Where is Damari? My mom looked at me with this sad look in her eyes and it told me something happened. WHERE IS DAMIRI I screamed, I started to panic because neither of them would say anything. My father just left his face down towards the floor. I ran through our house looking through all the rooms even the bathrooms but he wasn't nowhere to be found.

                         Dad, what did you do with my son? What did you do, I screamed. I would never yell at him but I guess it was the mother in me. Lower your damn tone he said walking up to me like he was gonna hit me. Just know what I did I did for you, you can hate me all you want but just know Mani I did it for you.


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