Part 34

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When I opened my eyes, my vision was hazy. To stabilize my vision once again, I had to blink more. My head was pounding, and I was experiencing a headache like never before. I attempted to put my hand on my head to feel around, but I was immobile and my hands were restrained. I gently scanned the space around me to get a sense of my surroundings. I looked around and observed various stuff, including gardening equipment, and I wondered where I was. When I looked down my legs were tied down to a chair. I began to feel panic starting to emerge. I started trying to struggle to get free but fell short. It all came back to me as I reflected on what had transpired before I passed out. B knocked me out. I had no idea why he would do that or what was going through his head, but I was going to do everything in my power to dissuade him from doing whatever it was. No matter what he would say or do to persuade me, I shouldn't have come here and I should have said no. Now I might not ever be able to see my family again. The silver duck tape covering my mouth began to get wet as tears began to fall down my cheeks.

When I heard the door open, I lowered my head. To buy some time, I decided to pretend that I was still unconscious. Mine-nee B called out to me, but I didn't budge. He called out again, "Mine-nee," but I remained still. He was dragging something across the floor. I considered peeking but decided against it. My curiosity was getting the better of me. He seemed to be struggling to pick up something as his groans filled the room. A flood of ice-cold water hit my body, and I started to hyperventilate. It was similar to the ASL challenge that everybody was doing some years back. I was finally able to regulate my breathing and lower my pulse rate. B was in front of me when I looked up. "Wakey, wakey," he said while dragging another chair opposite of mine. He approached me and yanked the tape covering my lips off.

"B, why are you doing this to me," I blurted.

"I no longer need you so your time is up," he replied.

If this is about me breaking up with you I'm sorry. I was paranoid and didn't want Rome to catch us. We are both aware of his terrifying temper. I didn't trust that you could win because you lost against him the last time.

He cocked his hand back and smacked the hell out of me in the face, shouting, "Shut the fuck up." Stop bringing that shit up. That wasn't one of my best moments and it pisses me off when you continue to remind me of that shit.

He wasn't playing with a full deck up there, and I couldn't believe I let myself get duped by this crazy ass nigga. I'm sorry I won't bring it up again I said trying to calm him down. My face was stinging and I didn't want to piss him off and make him slap me again.

I started to try and plead with him once again. B I'm sorry I broke it off with you. Just give me another chance and promise I won't bring up us breaking up ever again. I was lying obviously. He busted out laughing. You, really think I did all this cause you broke up with me? Who the fuck do you think you are? I won't front at first I liked you but this time I was using you to get Rome. I would never go this far because you broke up with me. You got the game fucked up. He was crying laughing  like what I said was the funniest shit he had ever heard. Bitch look at me, why would you ever think I would be that torn up behind you. I mean look at you. Yea, you upgraded your look from when I first met you but I'll never be jocked out behind no bitch. You must have me confused with Rome. The only thing that I didn't calculate is you selling me out to that bitch ass nigga.

I didn't tell Rome anything, B I swear. Only recently did I learn that we were being followed.

You must think I'm stupid enough to believe that, he said. I swear to Go- "Shut the fuck up," he said while slapping me across the face again. You betrayed me bitch. Y'all had that goofy ass nigga Preach following me around and shit. I have been wanting to off that ass kisser and you handed him up to me on a silver platter. I guess I should thank you for that.

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