Part 17

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"Omani. Mrs. Omani?" The judge called out forcing me back to reality. Yes, judge sorry it's been a long night. "Mhm," She cleared her throat and started back talking. 'I have come to a deliberation," she said. My ears start to perk up and my eyes began to focus.

                      After hearing everyone's side, I have decided to give you and your husband supervised visitation rights every weekend. If any harm is done to this child during any time he will be taken away and jail will be in both of your futures do you understand?

"Yes judge, I said holding back all my tears with everything in me." Rome follow suit and told the judge he understood as well. "Okay, you're dismissed," the judge said as she slammed the gavel.

                         Rome walked out before me but seeing my baby prince was all I wanted. My mother walked up to me with Prince in her hand and all I could do is smile. She didn't understand how thankful I was to her for bringing Prince today. I haven't held him in my arms for a month and I missed his smell.

                            I reached out my hands to hold him and he started to cry. My feeling immediately shattered. It's only been a month and baby done forgotten who I am. "Comere stanka butt, I said while trying to at least hug him. He was pushing me away from him and reaching his arms out to my mother. I just gave him to her cause the last thing I wanted to do was see him cry. I walked with my mom to her car and she was updating me on everything I missed. He was crawling now and sometimes he was even standing on his own. That shit made me want to fuck Rome up because of his ass I'm missing all my babies first. I watched as my mom strapped him in his baby seat. She then proceeded to get in the driver's seat of her car. I leaned in the car and gave my mom the biggest tightest hug I could muster up. Listen, Ma, I said while holding her as tight as I could. I'm sorry for what happened at the hospital. Even though I was mad I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you.

                    She reached her arms around my body and said. "I know this must be hard for you." What you said did hurt but you were right. I passed my gutlessness on to you but that was never my intention. The way you spoke up for yourself and your son was astonishing and I am very proud of the woman you're becoming. You can trust me, I will always protect my grandson.

                   We released each other embrace and the tears were streaming down our faces. I love you, Ma, I said. She replied, "I love you to mani." I open the backdoor and kissed Prince on the cheek. He started whining, so I quickly closed the door and told my mom that I'll see her later.

                  While walking to my car I started to get depressed all over again. It sucked to go to that house without my heart that shit was killing me. On the flip side, I was approved for visitation so that's something to celebrate. My phone started vibrating in my hand, I looked down and once again it was Rome. I swear this nigga called me more in this last month than the 6 months we have been married that shit was buggin' me. It's crazy because I remember a time when I would be blushing and getting butterflies if he called me. Now I don't want anything to do with this clown.

So you just going to let yo shit ring. A smooth masculine voice said behind me.

"We don't have shit to talk about," I spat.

He grabbed my arm when he notice me beginning to walk away. "Let me the fuck go.," I said trying to snatch my hand but his grip was stronger, so my hand remained in his.

"Look we need to talk," he said yanking me closer to him. "Talk about what?" I mugged. I moved in closer to him so now my breast was touching his chest. He leaned down and I could feel the air from his nose on my face. "What is there to talk about," I said while giving him the look of death.

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