Part 27

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My phone ringing woke me up the following day. It was Lynn calling me. Hello, I said, sounding like every bit of a 56-year-old man.

"Damn, you were asleep; imma call you back," she replied.

"Nah, you're good." I got to get up anyway. What's up?

Let me tell you what happened when I got back. That after-party was Lit, but Dre's pregnant baby momma got in there somehow, and Her and the chic he was with started fighting. Just like with me, she started swinging on that girl for nothing. Dre carried her out; that was the last time I saw him until he returned a lil bit later. By then, ole girl was gone. She said hell no to the baby momma drama as well.

"Dang, I missed all the good stuff," I laughed.

"hell yea."What about you? What did you do after I dropped yall off?"

"I was on the phone with B all night," I whispered. It turns out he kept calling me from those private numbers.

"Girl, why yo ass insists on playing with Rome's crazy ass."

"B, my friend, I said with the biggest smile plastered on my face.

"Friends "Play" with friends now, she said."

"I could feel her sarcastic tone beaming through the phone. Imma blame you. The liquor/ weed combo had my body feening for some form of penetration. I definitely wouldn't have stopped B this time. She was laughing her ass off."

Well, what about Rome?"

"I am trying to figure out what imma do about Rome."

The walls in that club were thin as hell; we heard yo ass girl, mainly when the DJ changed the song. The one second of silence revealed that y'all were cutting up in that room. Girl, I said, blushing super hard. I'm not going to ever forget last night. It was really double the fun.

So what are you going to do about this lil triangle you have gotten yourself in?

I don't know. I think Rome still is in love with that bitch, and now he's acting like he's not since her dad shot him. If her dad hadn't shot him, he wouldn't even be sweating me. He gets extremely jealous when it comes to me because he believes since he doesn't want me, no one else should. The real question is, if you were in my position, what would you do?

Honestly, I don't know what I would do if I were in your position. I'm the wrong person to be asking for advice, but I'm always going to be here if you need someone to talk to

Okay, imma, let it all out to you, therapist Lynn. I still love Rome, stupid, I know, but it's a lingering feeling that doesn't want to go away. I want him to be the one for me but I also can't forgive him. Last night just confirmed that. But Brandon treats me the way I want Rome to. He's caring and sweet, not to mention we have so many things in common. I moved over a bit and felt something shift in the bed beside me. I looked over, and Rome was sleeping. I didn't even know he crept into my room. I hopped up fast as hell and walked out to the living area, hoping he was asleep and didn't hear what I was saying.

"Rome was the bed with me the whole time."

"What! You think he heard you?

"I don't even know, but I hope not."

Well, what happened after you left last night? I asked Lynn so we could change the subject. I went home with my baller friend last night; he is here now. He had been trying to get some of me for years, so I decided to let him taste the kitty. He doesn't even know, but Im bout to fuck his whole world up, fuck Dre.

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