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"What do you mean I can't see you for a week? And I can't mind link you either?" Yn question in worry as she took Jimin's hand and held it against her cheeks.

"It's part of the packs tradition Yn. I don't want to do this either but it's necessary. It's just a week and then we will have each other for rest of our lives." Jimin engulfed her body as he calmed her by littering small, quick kisses on her face. 

After the elder had left, Jimin immediately started packing all stuff necessary for phase one of the ceremony. If he was to have everything ready by the date set for their ceremony, he had to leave as soon as possible or else he wouldn't make it. Unfortunately, Yn had yet to fully understand what was going on and was freaking out from the small amount of information she was told. 

Jimin had to leave along with one beta and his mate, the delta-general and his mate and 2 other companions of choice, and spend a whole week in the rouges land. Jimin couldn't contact Yn but was free to contact anyone else during the whole week. Yn was to be left with one beta and rule the pack for 1 week on her own with little help.

This was suppose to help with yearning as the two would be separated all the way to the beginning of the ceremony but also it was to improve the the relation between a beta and its Luna. The Luna would have to strengthen the bond and show that she was worthy enough to rule the pack in the Alpha's place until he returned. 

As for the Alpha, he was expected to show resilience and leadership as he takes a group of close allies to a land of dangers and challenge. They would have to try and survive with little food in the rouge lands and complete the set tasks bestowed on them. They won't know the tasks until they first enter the rouge land however.

A knock on the door cause the two to separate and Yn to wipe of the tears that were threatening to spill. She hated that he had to take the harder part of the tradition. Having lived in the rouge lands, she knew how unforgiving that place was and she feared that he may never return. She had heard of multiple of leaders who have been killed during this and it pained her to think that the same could happen to Jimin.

Taehyung opened the door as he walked in wearing full black along with a small backpack that lay on his shoulder. "Alpha it's time to go. We are all waiting at the entrance." With a quick nod from Jimin, Tae left the room with a pity in his eyes as he look at Yn's tear streamed face. "Go? Now? I thought you were going tomorrow?" Yn panicked. 

"The challenges officially start tomorrow but we need to reach the rouge lands first. That will take half a day at least so we have to leave prior the allotted time. I'm sorry muffin. I'll be back soon I promise."

Jimin took Yn faces in his grasp again as he wiped the never ending tears from her cheeks. He knew how hard this was going to be and tried his best to stall this all, but as soon as the council gets wind of an Alpha and Luna mate pairing they will get straight to work to over see that the tradition is held. He hated that he had to leave Yn, especially since they just marked each other and she would be extremely needy for affection for the next few days, but defying the order could lead to the extermination of the whole pack. Something he didn't want.

Jimin leaned in and placed a kiss on Yn's lips for the final time for the next week before lifting her up effortlessly and leading her downstairs. Yn tucked her head into Jimin neck as she took the last few minutes they had taking in his scent, before leaving a small kisses on his mark.

"Muffin, you might not want to keep doing that. I really don't wan't to take you back upstairs." 

Muffin was the name Jimin finally decided on calling Yn after the elder commented on the way Yn's cheeks puffed out when she was sulking. When the news broke out, Yn went into sulking mode, something that was quite normal for Were's that were marked recently, and she put on quite the cute act causing the elder to take a liking to her. Too bad that friendly liking wasn't enough to change his mind on this trip.

"That might not be so bad." Yn mumbled before continuing on with her teasing. She was trying to get Jimin back to the bedroom and distract him until he forgets about the trip. Too bad Jimin knew exactly what she was up to. 

"You're not going to seduce me to stay, so even if I have to take you back up, I'm just going to lock you up and we won't be able to say bye." Jimin groaned.

Instantly Yn stopped with what she was doing and dug her head in deeper along with tightening her grip. "Squeezing me and clinging to me won't help either." Jimin chuckled in amusement at YN's antics. It wasn't that he didn't like her clingy behaviour or the fact he didn't care for leaving, he did, it was just he had no other choice than this. It took all his energy to stop himself from breaking down too but he knew he couldn't do that. 

Jimin reached the end of the staircase and headed towards the main entrance. The rest of the pack were waiting outside the closed door, whilst the elites all stood waiting infront of the door. When Jimin reached the group, he could see the pity in their eyes as they saw the way Yn cling on to him for dear life. The ones with mates knew the pain of having to separate with newly marked mate and having to do it the very next day and a week of separation was something they were grateful they never experience but feared for their friend. 

"I'm putting you down, okay Muffin? The rest of the pack is waiting and we can't be seen like this." Surprisingly, Yn let go quickly and stood up straight, not clinging to Jimin. She took a few steps away from him before taking a deep shaking breath in. Lifting her head up, Jimin saw her red puffy eyes and Rudolph nose as she wiped the last of her tears.

"One week. That's all right? I just have to hold on for one week and then we can be together?" Yn's question came out as a surprise to everyone as her voice came out strong and determined. Jimin nodded his head before reaching out.

"Yes. One week and then we'll be together forever." As his hands lift to Yn's neck, he pulled on the necklace the two still had on before leaning in and kissing it. Only the two knew the meaning of the necklace and the true joy behind those words. It was their little secret.

Yn nodded before she moved in for one more hug. The two separated as the doors open and the rest of the pack made way for the travelling group. Jungkook and Cassie left first after getting a quick hug from everyone. Then Taehyung and Lily, followed shortly by Namjoon and a pack member that YN didn't know. Yn looked at Flora as she bid her mate farewell before she looked at Jimin. 

"I need to go know. Goo-"

Before Jimin could say those words Yn pecked his lips. "Don't say goodbye. This isn't the last time we'll see each other. Goodbye's are for those who are leaving permanently. Have a safe journey and I'll see you soon, Minnie." Yn whispered Jimin's secret nickname as she moved away to stop herself from running into his arms and refusing to let go.

Jimin couldn't stop himself from the smiling as he turned back to his mate,

"I'll see you in a week Muffin. I love you!"

With that Jimin changed into his wolf form and left without waiting for an answer. But Yn wasn't going to let him get away just yet. 

-: I love you too. :-


I'm back!

Thanks for reading.

Credits to Zerg051 and JASanford for the muffin nickname. Thanks guys!

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