Chapter IX: "You're my most awaited."

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"Why do you care?"

Jaziah has been repeating those words in her head for the billionth time and she still can't find an answer. She was closing her eyes again in class but instead of actively listening she was being transported to her cloud of thoughts.

The class ended and she haven't moved an inch, her classmates started to get on to their next classes but she's still sitting there, her vision were colored red as the sunlight flashed through the windows then it went black when someone stood in front of her.

"Evil barbie or should I say evil mommy?" She opened her eyes.

"Shut up! Did you tell Holly about this?" Raquelle leaned while she placed her hands on the table.

"Why, is guilt eating you up?" She shook her head and Raquelle let out a relieved sigh.

"We've been talking about her mother, how she thinks that he's having an affair." Raquelle sat down, her voice shaking.

"So she knows." She muttered while Raquelle looked at her, questionably. "About his affair, she just don't know you who is he cheating with." She explained.

"I-I don't know what to do." Raquelle stuttered.

"It's easy, break up with him."

"I-I can't."

"You fell in love him." A loud screech echoed as Jaziah pushed her chair back."I guess you really are as dumb as a doll, open your eyes Raquelle! He is a controlling monster that wants nothing but your body." She stood up.

"He is not a monster! Did you know how sick worried he is, the pain he is going through and it is all because of you Jaziah!" Raquelle towered over her.

"Is this what he does to you, making you as my babysitter? Can't you see?! He's only using you!" She points a finger at her.

"Guys, what are you fighting about?!" Holly suddenly walked in.

"Hey Hols! It's nothing." Raquelle quickly reasoned.

"I'm sure it's not nothing Elle." Holly smiled, she was in a really good mood.

"It's about Ken." Jaziah chimed in, "You know, Barbie's Ken? Apparently it's her boyfriend too."

"Ohh codenames, are we talking about your summer lover in Paris?" Holly gasped.

"Paris, that's why." Jaziah muttered to herself. "Well yes and she's just asking some advice, what do you think she should do Jolly?" She pats Raquelle's shoulder who is scowling at her.

"If he's two timing you guys then Elle you should break up with him." Holly sweetly said.

"Up top! That's what I said too!" Jaziah high-fived Holly and they laughed.

"Oh I realized that you have accepted that she's straight, you didn't make lesbian jokes for a while now, I kinda miss it." Holly asked Jaziah then turned to Raquelle and raised a peace sign, "Sorry Elle."

"Oh yeah I'm over that, I'm completely convinced that she has a sug—" Jaziah was about to say sugar daddy but Raquelle nudged her stomach by the elbow. "—ow! I mean boyfriend."

Holly laughed so hard that she snorted which made her laugh even more. Jaziah was confused at her sudden change of mood, Raquelle has just said to her that she found out about her father cheating.

"Why so happy?" Jaziah couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, maybe I'm just excited about tomorrow." Holly flashed her a sheepish grin.

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