Prologue (part I): The Queen

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'Don't just stand there staring, honey
Try to move your feet
If you think they looking at you
They looking at me'


From the minute her jimmy choos stepped onto the cold marble floors of the Academy of Magical Arts, everyone had turned their heads like they were under her spell.

Even if she didn't belong to the popular clique, it would be hard not to miss seeing this girl. She is like a walking confetti of pretty pastel pink with glitters and butterflies that matches her doll-like look. Heart shaped face, mesmerizing brown eyes, long pointed nose and cute pouty lips. Thanks for my Dad's american genes. She thinks as she flipped her long beautifully curled hair.

"Hey Raquelle! Don't forget about the soccer tryouts later this 3 pm!" A girl from her soccer team told her

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"Hey Raquelle! Don't forget about the soccer tryouts later this 3 pm!" A girl from her soccer team told her.

"Oh no, I have a 2:30 pm meeting with the SBO, I might be running late so go on without me but I'll be there."

Soccer and Raquelle? Yes, they can be used in one sentence and that's one of the many reasons why people love her. She may be known as the beauty but when you see her in the field, she can be a beast. She is also the president of the student body organization, being a leader may be hard but if this is what it takes to be perfect she'll do it no matter the price she has to pay.

"Hols!" She greeted her best friend Holly.

"Hey Elle? how's your summer?" Holly responded as she sits down in the front row of the gymnasium and Raquelle joined her.

Raquelle or Elle, as what Holly likes to call her, was about to say how romantic her summer was but was distracted by the awful sight of her crocs. "No! I gave you gucci sneakers, why are you still wearing that!"

"I'm sorry I don't actually have it, I gave it to my sister." Holly said very quickly and readied herself for Raquelle's reaction because she knows how much she hates her sister.

"You gave it to that snake!" She hates her so much that she is disgusted to address her with her actual name.

"Hey, keep your voice down." Holly softly said and they looked around for a second and gossips immediately spread out like a freaking virus. Holly is still not used to it but for Raquelle, it's part of her routine, after all, she's the queen. "It's my sister you're talking about here." Holly added.

"Step!" Raquelle corrected her but Holly just shrugs it off.

"One night, she was badly hurt, all of her clothes were ruined so I just lend her some." Holly said, nonchalantly.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it's not your mess to clean up but hers, Hols, she's her own problem." No matter how tiring it is for Raquelle to say these lines over and over again, she won't stop until Holly will grow some sense back into her mind.

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