Prologue (part III): The Bad Girl

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'I don't need a man to be
holding me too tight
I'm a motherfucking woman,
baby, that's right
I'm just having fun with
my ladies here tonight'


The girl hides behind a bush as she covers her wounded leg. She takes off her shirt and used it as tourniquet, leaving her only with a sports bra on. She searches for her leather jacket, not because she was conscious about her body, in fact she's confident, too confident. It would mean the end for her if she doesn't find that jacket, it's what made her who she is, so if she lost it, it's like she lost herself too.

Now that she got eyes on her prized belonging who is the hands of the mystery man chasing her all night and also the one who stabbed her on the right leg. She composes herself while she grabs her wand and gathers all of her energy to levitate the jacket back to her.

"Yes, I got it!" She puts her jacket back on and immediately teleports herself back to her bedroom, now that the mystery man has found her.

"Ahhh!" She landed flat on the floor and cried for help like someone can hear her when she's been living alone for almost 2 years, since she left home.

She crawled slowly to her guitar case and finds her spell book but it was gone. The healing magic spell was written there which she still haven't memorized because she thought that this mission was gonna be a walk in the park, like the others, but it turned out to be a walk straight to hell.

"Shit! I knew she would steal my book!" She grunted as she drank vodka before pouring it onto her wound.



In the morning, she grudgingly get out of bed, well on the floor, because she fell asleep right after stitching herself up.

It still hurts.

She limps to the bathroom and quickly showered. Her outfit was a white vintage crop top, pairing it with a black low waisted jeans that flaunts her flat stomach, and of course her look wouldn't be complete without her leather jacket and combat boots. Then, she heads straight to her old house to look for her spell book.

She sneaks at the back of the house, using her levitating spell to carry herself into her old room

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She sneaks at the back of the house, using her levitating spell to carry herself into her old room. She looks around in every inch of the area but it's still missing. Feeling defeated, she heaved a sigh and sat down in front of a vanity mirror. She stared at her tired self, dark sunken eyes due to sleep deprivation and pale thin lips with a cut she got from fighting the man last night. She sinks back on her chair and found something else, her red lipstick that she's been searching for weeks.

"Are you a fucking kleptomaniac Jolly?" She said too loudly that someone came knocking on the door and opens it.

"Jaziah?" A woman in her 40's with the same features as Jolly was happy to see her.

"Morning Emily, where's Holly?" She greeted her back and snatches the lipstick into her back pocket.

"She's at school already, shouldn't you be there too?" Emily asked her as she walks Jaziah towards the dining table where breakfast was already served.

"Oh yeah, actually I was gonna go there with her." Jaziah lied as she continued walking while Emily sat down, serving bacon and eggs. "So I'll—" Before Jaziah can grab the door knob, Emily stopped her.

"Wait you look like you haven't eaten, come join me."

The bacons are so fucking tempting and I haven't eaten a decent meal in months.

Jaziah sat down before Emily can hear her grumbling stomach. They ate in total silence, only the clacking of silverware and munching sounds can be heard.

"Dear, what happened to you? your leg? and you look so thin, do you have enough money? here you can have this." Emily finally spoke, she can't contain her worry about Jaziah, she's become like her daughter too.

"No, it's okay really, thank you." Jaziah said inaudibly with a mouth still full of bacon.

"Jaz, your dad and I miss you so much." Emily said slowly, since she knows that Jaziah and his dad weren't in good terms.

"I am not coming home okay? and I will never live under his roof again." Jaziah raised her voice, suddenly losing her appetite.

"Jaz, I know since your mother—"

"She's not!" Jaziah stands up. "I'm sorry, I'm gonna be late to school."

She stomped angrily towards her car and gets in. Before starting up the engine, she glanced back at the front porch, she could've sworn that she saw her mother bidding her goodbye but when blinks she was gone like how she disappeared in her life. Then the tears were flowing down on her cheeks again.


She arrived at school in style, with his second most prized belonging, her 1969 dodge charger. She got out from the car then slams the door shut and leaned down to the side mirror and wears her red lipstick. Boys were awestruck and girls were envious, it's like they are watching a slo-mo movie scene.

'Guys! The Jaziah Grace Delgado is here!'

'It's rare for her to join us in the assembly! She's usually absent on the first week!'

'I have a feeling that today's gonna be a disaster.'

'A beautiful disaster, how can she manage to be injured but hot?'

Whispers echo inside the old concrete walls of the academy and when Jaziah looks at them, they immediately turn away and scram.

"You!" Jaziah points at her before the african-american girl in a red jacket can sprint.


"Yes, you 2014-version-Annie!" Jaziah steps closer to her and the girl trembles, she can smell the fear in her sweat.

"But you never speak to me." Annie said in the smallest voice she can make but Jaziah have heard it, only resulting to a deadly glare.

"Has the assembly started?" Jaziah speaks in her cold monotone voice and Annie replied by shaking her heard sideways.

"Good." She turned her heel and heads straight to the assembly and right on time, she saw Holly talking with someone.

"Hey shitheads!" She shouted, not giving a single care about the stares she gained in just a second. It took her a while to go closer to Holly because of her injury so when she finally got there, she placed her hands on her hips and sighed.

If it wasn't because of Jolly, I wouldn't be limping like a fucking grandma.

"Hello Jolly, now where the fuck is it?"



song: Woman by Kesha

I discovered this song by watching multifemale video edits in youtube and it makes me feel so badass haha and I think this really fits Jaziah so much. I never heard much about Kesha's other new songs though.

What can you suggest guys, what song should I listen from her first?

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