Ch 14. Wakey Wakey Bird Boy

Start from the beginning

"How come I keep screwing up with my magic?" She asked, her face still buried in the other girl's chest.

"Hey, this is your first time using your magic ever since you unsealed it," Penelope answered, "Dob't blame yourself. Plus it wasn't you that started siphoning your was the Necromancer."

"The fact that he can do that just proves how weak I am," Josie said, "And all this time I was being concerned with being strong...I forgot how it felt to be weak."

"And so I repeat, you unsealed your magic, literally, yesterday," Penelope exclaimed, "Don't best yourself up over time you do it, Bonnie will have the barrier spell that will keep anything from taking over again. Not only that but I'm sure your dad will make sure Necromancer is passed out."

"I know I know..." Josie heaved a sigh before pulling away from Penelope. The two locked eyes. Penelope gently caressed her cheek before both of them leaned in. First their foreheads touched, and then their lips. It was soft, tender kiss that lingered for a while before the first kiss turned into a second...and a third...

Penelope pulled Josie in, one arm hugging her waist, the other making it's way around Josie's neck. Josie pushed forward, achieving dominance. In the heat of the passionate moment, Josie got on top of Penelope. They pulled apart for a second and gazed into each other's eyes. A smile tugged at Penelope's lips and Josie smiled back.

"I love you, Pen" Josie whispered, "You left me speechless when you left...but I know I wanted to say 'I love you' back then..."

"I love you too, Jojo" Penelope whispered and pulled Josie in for a long embrace.

The two stayed like that and by the time Lizzie and Hope returned, they were fast asleep.

"You think they're gonna get back together?" Lizzie whispered as they stared at the sleeping pair from the doorway.

"Probably," Hope chuckled as she watched Josie change her position so that it looked like she was latching on to Penelope.

"Hmmm," Was all the sound that came from Lizzie, who then turned to Hope, "Do you mind if I sleep in your dorm tonight?"

"Uh yeah sure, why though?" Hope asked.

"I feel like I should let them have the night," Lizzie said, she quietly walked over to her nightstand. There was a piece of paper and pen there, she wrote a little note for Josie, explaining that she'll be spending the night in Hope's room. She left the note on her bed before making her way back to the door and quietly closing it behind her.

The very next day, Josie was beaming and Penelope just as much of a ray of sunshine.

"You two did it, didn't you?" Kaleb asked bluntly and Josie's face turned as red as a tomato's.

"Mmm what makes you say that?" Penelope asked, waving a fork with eggs on it at him.

"I dunno...the hickey on Jo's neck...or the fact that you're both happy despite what happened yesterday morning?" Kaleb said sarcastically.

"Aw, is the big bad vamp in a mood because he can't get laid by a certain Chang?" Penelope teased and Kaleb glared at her.

"Okay, babe," Josie said resting an arm on her Penelope's arm, "Be nice."

"Babe?" Lizzie piped up, "So you two are dating again?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Penelope said, winking, "We wouldn't have sex if we didn't, sis."

After a very interesting breakfast, the same group of people from the day before were again in Landon and Raf's room. Bonnie cast a powerful barrier spell and then the twins began siphoning the rest of the spell from the arrow. After an hour, the spell was gone and they were free to break the arrow.

"Do we just...break it?" Hope asked, skeptically.

"No, we don't..." Jeremy said, "We use this."

Jeremy revealed a sword with an elaborate handle but a dull blade. Bonnie recited an incantation and the blade glowed. Dr.Saltzman held the arrow by it's ends to expose the shaft. Jeremy brought down the blade swiftly, breaking the arrow in two. The arrow glowed and Dr.Saltzman immediately dropped the arrow and it burst into flames. The fire kept going until the arrow seemingly faded out of existence. A moment of silence passed as they looked st Landon's body, hopefully. Just when the others thought all was lost, Landon burst into flames. The girls started whooping and Dr.Saltzman smiled, normally it would be horrifying to see someone burn in front of you...but this was a good side for the bird boy.

After the fire stopped and Landon was encased in his ashes, the others began breaking the ash casing before he himself could. Landon gasped and his eyes fluttered open as he bolted straight up. His hands immediately went for the place he got stabbed by the arrow. When he felt there was no injury, he looked around the room at the others. Hope tackled him with a hug, which sent a up a ping of jealousy...or annoyance...or both...within Lizzie.

"H-how long was I out for?" Landon asked as Dr.Saltzman handed him a glass of water, which he basically inhaled.

"Around three weeks," Dr.Saltzman replied, "We had to research and awaken Hope and then the Necromancer came back...quite a mess.

"I thought you were in Europe," Landon said, pointing at Penelope.

"Yeah well, you're not the only one who returned from ashes my friend," Penelope said clasping his shoulder before, her and Josie left the room.

"Are those two a thing again?" Landon asked and everyone in the room nodded, "That's cool then."

"Time to fill you in on every detail of what you missed," Hope said smiling and he sighed.

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