Chapter 39

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Annie was observing from the distance the dialogue between Slughorn, Flich and Draco. She also could notice how Harry was more focus in that conversation than in anything else, for a moment Annie was intrigued if knowing what would happen if they let him stay there but then Snape came to the picture and got Draco out of the party. Not before they made a sutil eye contact, she could see how he was feeling ashamed of her looking at his little act.
She was too lost in her thoughts that she didn't noticed that just after snape and Draco also Harry left too.
10 minutes passed by and Annie could not concentrate anymore, she saw that Lex was talking with a Hufflepuff girl and she approached him
"Hey I think I ate something bad, I think I'm going back to my dorm"
"Oh yea lets go"
"No, you stay have fun for both of us okay?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yea... but don't do anything I wouldn't do" she said looking to the girl who was waiting for lex to came back, they said goodbye and she left the party.
She didn't knew what she was doing or where she was going, she was sure that Harry followed them with his cape, 'what if he sees me with him?' She was asking herself while she decided to go to the room of requirements 'how do I know if he is there?' 'Stop asking yourself stupid questions and just enter'
She needed answers, This could not continue the way it was the couple of months prior. She was truly worried for him and she needed to know what was going on.
When she entered the room it was empty, he was not there, she was lurking around when she heard a noice from the entrance, she quickly hide behind a pile of stuff
"Who's there? Show yourself!" She recognized the voice. It was him, but not normal him, she knew that tone of voice, she had heard it before, to be exact the night of their first kiss when she found him in the library..
"It's just me" she came out of her hiding place
"Gosh Annie you scared me" he said trying to change his voice "what are you doing here?"
"I just ..." She said coming close to him and seeing his eyes , watery and red, his skin looked even more pale than it normally does. She took a deep breath and she finally said what she really wanted to say "Draco what just happened? No... more like what is happening in general? And don't say nothing because I'm not stupid... I'm worried"
He could not hold it anymore, he let himself down in the floor and start crying
"They know... they know...." that was all he as saying
"They know what? Who know what?" She was so confused
"About us Annie! They know about us!" He screamed
"Who? Who knows about us"
"Or at least they suspect... I don't fucking know what they know"
"Draco..." But He was just walking from one side to another "Draco! WHO is them???"
"Common Annie... don't act like you don't know, don't act like you don't think the same as everyone else in this place but everyone is to afraid to say it loud..."
"Draco are you a... are you?" She asked noticing her voice was shaking
"I didn't want to, I.. it was not my choice at all, but If I didn't do it he would kill me Annie, and Not only me but also my mother and now, and now I can't let him know about you, i can't you deserve way more better than this, this shitty life path that was chose for me it's not gonna be for you, i love you too much to permit that to happen"
"You love me?" Annie was shocked but her voice was not shaken anymore
"Of course I do, how could I not? I can't think of anything better than has happen to me in my miserable life other than you... and for the same reason I can't take you in this, I would never forgive myself if something bad ever occurs to you and even if that means you hate me because the monster I've become, I don't care as long as you're safe. And I..." he could not finish because before he could see it coming Annie was kissing him
"I don't hate you" She said between kisses "I know it's not your fault, I know it's not your choice... I know you're afraid" she said between continue kissing and slowing starting to take his coat off, she she pulled him into one chair and she sit on his lap still kissing him
"Annie what are you doing?"
"I know what you were gonna say Draco, all that speech that you just told me... you were gonna told me that it's the best if we stop this.."
"How do you know I..."
"Because I know you Draco... maybe better than anyone else"
"It's the best for you Annie... this won't change my mind.."
"I know... but I want to do it... i want to do this now"
"Why? Why with me"
"Because I love you too Draco... and if we are Not gonna be together anymore I want to have this last moment as the most special one" she said starting crying, he passed his finger through her cheek cleaning the tears " Don't you want to do this?"
"Of course I want you know I want to"
"Then do this last thing for me please? I'm 100% I'm ready and I want this.. our last night to be just from both of us... right now everything outside this room doesn't matter..."
"Did I already told you how beautiful you look tonight?"
"Well you do... you always do, but tonight when I entered to the party I could not focus on anything else other than you and how amazing that dress looks on you and how bad I wished to be the one next to you..."  they started kissing before one thing led to another and suddenly they were both having the night of their lives.
When Annie wake up she was laying in the floor next to Draco who was already awake staring at her
"Hi" she said smiling
"Hey... I'm glad you wake up, I wanted to give you this before we left" he said taking out a small box from his jacket
"What's this?"
"Your Christmas present"
"Oh Draco I didn't.."
"Believe me I could not ask something better for a
Present that all this... go ahead open it"
She opened it and found a beautiful necklace inside

 go ahead open it" She opened it and found a beautiful necklace inside

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"I know it's not the best necklace in the world... when I was younger my mom had this  big jar full of green crystals in the living room... one day I was playing and I crashed with it and it broke down, for my fortune my father was not home so my mom told me it was gonna be our secret. After I helped her clean up there was this small crystal left and I told her what should I do with it and she told me 'save it for an occasion that's worth it'.. so as insane as it sounded for a reason or another I kept in hides in a place of my room... until this summer when I took it out... and before going back home after our week together... I went to this muggle place where they turn it to this... I've kept with with me all this time, until now.. until the worth it situation came up"
She smiled and kissed him "Can you help me to put it?" She said graving her hair and leaning so her could help her
"It's perfect.. I love it"
"Annie.. do you really love me"
" I thought after saying it so many times last night it was kind of obvious"she said laugh a bit "of course I do"
"Look... my posture still the same from last night... but I have hopes Annie, I have hopes that one day all this will be over"
"It will be Draco I'm sure of that"
"When this ending comes I was wondering if you would Not mind continue with this"
She approached to him and kissed him softly then she stayed face to face to him
"I'll wait all I need to wait as long as you come back go me"
"I'll come back too you..."
After that they spend other 5 minutes with each other before Annie went her way back to the tower just in time before the sun raised and anyone would notice.

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