Chapter 6

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Summer ended, Annie was on her way to king cross again, she knew that during the summer Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the twins went to the World Cup of quidditch, sadly she couldn't go.
On their way to Hogwarts Ginny and her sit along Harry Hermione and Ron. She did noticed when her cousin almost fainted around Cho Chang. She also saw how her best friend was burning inside when this happened.
When they arrived to Hogwarts Ginny and her split on their own side.
"So, now you're gonna tell me about the Boston guy?" Ginny say smiling to her friend
"There is nothing to talk, we just hang out that's all"
"Oh common Annie, you won't tell me that you didn't enjoy it"
" I did, but he is a muggle Ginny, and he is miles away, it was just a summer fling that's all"
"My Matute're lucky. I wished someone has noticed me this summer"
"Well you did spend a good part of the summer with my cousin, how did it went?"
"Huh, nothing happened, he still seeing me as Ron's little sister, it's getting annoying"
"Well then show him you're not only that"
"And what does that mean?"
"I mean that Harry is not the only boy in Hogwarts..." she said to her friend before she saw Lex coming to them
"Annie! Ginny! How was your summer girls?"
"It went pretty well, here Ginny went to the quidditch World Cup"
"That's amazing Ginny, I'm thinking of tithing out to the team this year, but i don't know"
"Lex you're an amazing player im sure you are going to get it" Ginny told him
"She knows what she is saying, she is the best female player out there" Annie said "hey where is Colin?"
"With his brother, you know he just got in"
"Oh right, well guys we should keep going, or we are going to miss the same speech again" Annie said
"Dad told us that something special was going on this year" Ginny said "wonder what's that about"
Not much after they saw how a big ship started getting out of the lake, and a coach with flying horses was approaching the castle.

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