Chapter 52

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They all needed a break, and that was what they were having, still they were worried about what could happened. Annie's friends were muggleborns
which meant that they were going to be the first ones to judged by the minister, the only advantage they had was that they were still underage. Although, for Annie that wasn't the case, at difference from her friends, she was turning 17 the day that classes began again. Yes she was half-blood, but with the fact that she was half-American and with the loose relationship they had between both nations right now it was almost impossible to get her records, plus the fact that it would be the perfect excuse to finally get Harry Potter's cousin to use it as an advantage.
That's why they decided to spend the break outside the country, Emma's mum had family in France, and they bought a small apartment for the family whenever they were visiting. Obviously when Emma asked her parents for the apartment she didn't mentioned the real reason, but they used the fact that Annie was turning 17 as a reason for them to take a small vacation.
They arrived safe and sound to their destination and they had basically locked themselves inside the apartment for the whole time. They spend a couple of chill days, including Christmas. It was December 30, they had been drinking some that Colin brought back from his turn to go an get the groceries.
"If you just cheat in the game how I know you won't cheat on me?" Emma said as they where finishing their night session of boarding games.
"Calm down. It's just a game?"
"And how I know this relationship is not a game to you?"
"Wow wow, I think someone drank a bit too much"
"Maybe I should take her to bed?" Annie volunteered
"Don't worry I will" Collin said
"But I'm having fun with MY friends" Emma said
"We are all going to sleep anyway" Lex said
"Goodnight guys" Collin said as he took Emma back to her room. "I'll lay with her for a bit before going to sleep" He said before they heard the door close.
"He is staying all night in there right?" Annie asked.
"Yup. You're lucky we have 2 beds in our room. You can stay in Collin's tonight"
"Thanks... but I don't feel like going to sleep yet"
"Well we half half a bottle of wine left... we can stay a bit more"
"Did you ever thought that the Collin we met during our first year would be THAT guy?" Annie asked
"Yea.. definitely not... but hey as he is always telling me...he found his Emma"
"He really refers to her as HIS Emma?"
"Don't tell him I told you...but I do found it cute, in some sort of way I can't describe"
"Well... maybe you'll when you met YOUR Emma"
"Yes maybe you're right... do you get it with YOUR Collin?" Annie's heart stopped for a second
"My Collin?"
"Annie I'm not stupid... you've been secretive I won't deny it, but I'm your best friend, you're seeing someone, someone you really care about"
"I... I did find someone... probably MY Collin... but we are not together right now"
"He is stupid then, for Not wanting to be with you"
"No it's not that"
"You don't want to be with him?"
"Yes! Hell yes I want... but it's way more complicated than that... he, he is..."
"Draco Malfoy" now Annie didn't know how react to that
"I.. how?"
"Honestly I was not completely sure, but your face confirms my theory"
"Lex.. can I ask how?"
"It took me while to guess it honestly... since last year I was trying to figure out what was going on with you.. it wasn't until we came back from Christmas break that I started thinking about the idea you were seeing someone"
"And how.. how you knew it was him?"
"That took me even more time... but then we had that conversation last year, about how fitting in someone else life... you were so serious that I started thinking that it could be the real reason you were silent of the topic... and then I started looking a bit more into the picture, to the point where I realize he was pedant in some sort of way in different situations. Like this year when he was lurking into the train wagon, and just after that you went to the bathroom... or let's not forget the night you got tortured in detention. After ginny and I went to dinner came back for something, I decided to check up on you, but you weren't there, when I arrived to dinner I noticed a certain slytherin was also nowhere to be found..."
"It's not like that he has been..."
"Helping us? Yes I also figure that out, the fact you came back safe and sound after they came to the train finding Harry, all the information we had on the new system before arriving to Hogwarts, all the tips... even the factor that got us to this plan... it all have to come out from the outside. Now I need to ask. Does somebody else knows?"
"Luna... she found out the day the break started, she saw me coming out of the room of requirements with him..."
"And why you didn't told me?"
"What I was supposed to told you? Hey Lex how are you today? Oh btw I'm in love with my cousin's school enemy, who also happens to be the son of a death Easter, and now is forced to be part of them.."
"Yes! Exactly  like that, Annie I'm your best friend. I'm not Harry, I'm not the others. You know I wouldn't judge you, and least after I know all the real context"
"I know.. I was afraid, we were both Afraid, things were getting very rough in both sides..."
"That's why you broke up?"
"Yes.. and probably it was the hardest thing I had to do" she said stating to sob
"Come here" he said hugging her "don't worry I won't say a thing about this"
"And if it helps... I approve him.. if he makes you happy and is helping us just because of you... then he might be worthy of my best friend"
"Thanks... you don't have any idea of how much that helps"

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