Chapter 30

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It was already Thursday, Annie and Draco had spend the most chilled but amazing couple of days. After lunch day went back to Draco's room to have a little afternoon nap, Annie loved how it felt to lay next to him and just talk, occasionally make out sessions but  that was all, no pressure at all. Of course she had already told Draco about all the deal of her ex, and he told her that she didn't need to worry, that they would not do anything if she didn't wanted to.
It was already 5 pm, they both wake up and started cuddling each other.
"You had a nice sleep?" She asked
"The nicest, I slept like a baby" he said laughing "I love being this calm, with no pressure at all, and your company makes that even better"
"Don't make me blush Malfoy" she said hiding her face with the blanket
"I'm serious" he said laughing, she stop hiding and started kissing him, after a while he broke up the kiss "Are you up for another Irish coffee before you leave?"
"I would love it but... I need to go home early today, my aunt is leaving work earlier, she wants me to help her pick up her outfit for tomorrow's night"
"What's tomorrow's night?"
"The festival, you know the one that they've announced all week.. a guy from her work has been asking her out for a while so she finally agreed and now they have a date"
"So your aunt has a date"
"Yes exactly" she said sitting in the corner of the bed and starting to put her shoes on
"let's have one" he said
"Have What?"
"A date, we haven't had one yet... I mean I've not asked properly.."
"Are you asking me out on a date Draco?" She asked laughing
"Yes , Yes I'm..: would you like to go on a date?"
"Of course I would"
"Then it's settled, tomorrow at the festival we will have a date"
"Okay... don't get me wrong I love the idea, but.. you know that by that you will need to see my aunt, and I mean I thought you said you didn't want people finding out who you are"
"Hmmm she doesn't have to know, i mean you can tell her you met me this week in here"
"And the British accent?"
"Well tell her that I'm visiting some family in here for the summer"
"Well it seems you've everything planned" she said standing and reaching out to get her jacket that was next to him "then it's a date" she said before kissing him
"See you tomorrow for breakfast?"
"Of course you will" she said before heading out of the room and running back to the house before her aunt came

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