Chapter 49

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After what happened that night everyone was feeling a bit down. Still the show must go on, not only it was Harry's birthday but also the wedding was next.
The morning of Harry's birthday Annie woke up extra early to cook some American pancakes for her cousin, she took them up his room along the gift that she got him back in New York.
"Can I come in?" She asked as she knock the door
"Yea!" Ron answered, when she opened the door she saw both guys sitting in their beds "I'll go to take a shower" Ron said before leaving the room
"Is that a book?" Annie asked after she saw it next to Harry
"It's nothing!" Harry said covering it with the pillow
"Okay... well happy birthday!" She said handling him the pancakes
"Thanks Annie... you shouldn't have" he said smiling
" oh don't be like that an eat them!"
"This taste so good"
"Glad you're liking them... also, I bought you this"
"Annie you shouldn't..."
"Don't start again and just open it" he obeyed and open the box, to find a nice jacket.
"Annie, I really like it, thank you so much"
"I didn't knew what to gave you, considering well you know, but I mean in a county like this one, a jacket it's always needed"
"It's perfect, thanks cousin" he said with a smile
The rest of the day was a bit busy with all the preparation for the wedding, but still Annie (along with ginny and Hermione' help) baked a cake for celebrate Harry's birthday at night. Probably Harry was thinking on everything but celebrating his birthday. Still it was a moment of happiness for everyone during the awful times.
Next day it was finally the wedding day. Annie, ginny and Hermione spend the part of the morning helping Molly with the final touches. After that it was time to get ready, Annie was finishing touching her hair when a furious ginny came though the door.
" Ugh I can't stand her!"
"What happened now?"
"Your friend Fleur is having a mental breakdown in her room"
"It's been wedding ginny, it's all the pressure"
"And why I've to deal with that? She is Marrying my brother not me"
"Common you finish getting ready, I'll see what I can do"
"And that's why you're best friend! Btw you look great on that dress"
"Thanks, so do you" she said winking her eye before leaving the room
"Can I come in?" She said while knocking the door on the room that Fleur was getting ready
"Oh Annie come in! Oh you look amazing!"
"Thanks but definitely not as good as you! You will be the most beautiful bride ever"
"Oh common I look awful"
"No you don't, it's just the stress, look at yourself" she said leading her to the full size mirror in the room "Bill will only be thinking all night about how he is the luckiest man by marrying such an intelligent and beautiful woman"
"Thanks.. I really needed to hear that"
"Now it's almost time... I will tell your father you're ready okay?" She said and Fleur nodded with a smile
And just like that a small yet quite beautiful wedding happened, during the ceremony Annie couldn't help but think If she would ever be that lucky, she was never one of those girls with the idea of imagine her wedding, and definitely it wasn't something happening anytime soon. Still she thought about how different Bill and Fleur were at first sight, yet they connected perfectly with each other.
After the ceremony Annie run back to the house for a quick bathroom break. When she got out of the house she found a certain someone standing next to the tent. It was Harry.
"Need company?" She asked
"Be my guest... you look great"
"Thanks....You don't look bad neither"
"Does this counts like a normal family activity?"
"Going to a wedding and being anti-social together?I guess it counts" she said with a smile "what's on your mind?"
"Well I'm definitely not thinking about who is gonna grab the bouquet"
"Everything is going to be fine Harry, whatever that Dumbledore ask you you'll do it, and all this war will be over"
"Are you going to be okay? Are you sure you want to go back this year?"
"Yes I'm sure, I can take care of myself. Plus I won't be alone"
"And what if they want to use you to get to me?"
"They will fail because I'm just as clueless as them on that topic..."
"It's for your own good"
"I know... and what if ginny grab the bouquet?"
"Oh common, you've been drowling all night whenever she is near... you really love her don't you?"
"Oh my god. Harry Potter is actually in love... what a shocker"
"Shut up"
"Don't worry... she feels the same about you, funny huh? All this time it was your best friend's little sister/ cousin's best friend..."
"And still we are not together anymore"
"For now... it's not your time. But that doesn't mean it's not meant to be"
"I guess you're right... you'll find someone someday too, even I'm Not very happy about that"
" what if I've already found someone?" Annie couldn't even believed she said that. But something inside her was thinking 'what if this is my only opportunity to say it?'
"What you mean? Are you seeing someone?"
"Technically no... I.. it's complicated"
" Annie I can handle complicated"
"I don't think you can..."
"Annie what you're talking about?"
"Harry I ..." but in that moment the chaos started... the minister was death and with that everything got worse. Before knowing it everyone was escaping from that wedding, and before she could say goodbye Harry was gone...

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