Chapter 13.

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"Katie please" Shiro pleaded as he grabbed her hand pulling her back as she tried to leave.

"I must go Takashi" Pidge replied in a small voice, pleading eyes.

"Your home is on earth not with them, You belong here with me" Shiro spoke desperate as he looked into her hazel eyes letting her see the fear in his own.

"My home is with you and I will always belong to you Takashi but Altea will be destroyed unless we stop Zarkon. I will not sit back and watch my birth place be wipe out over power. I will return to you Takashi, I promise" Pidge smiled sweetly as tears filled her eyes.

"This is not your fight anymore, your planet threw you into zarkon hands. Please just focus on our life here" Shiro begged as he pulled her closer to him.

"I'm not fighting for them, I'm fighting for my home. If Zarkon wins this war then earth will be just another planet he destroys later on. I'm going to protect you and our son will everything I have, please Takeshi let me protect the planet I call home" Pidge mutter with a weak smile as her tears fall.

"And what would happen to our son if his mother never returned from this war. I rather us die together then feel the pain of losing you" Shiro replied placing his robotic hand on her cheek.

"I will not leave you, I will return even if I have to escape hell myself. Please Takeshi let me go" Pidge answered and looked into his eyes.

"I love you Katie" Shiro warmly smile as tears filled his eyes.

"I love you" Pidge smiled warmly as she looked at him and him alone before placing a warm loving kiss on his lips letting more of her tears fall. 

"I will return to you" Pidge promised as they pulled away before she ran over to her ship.

"Return to us both" Shiro whispered as watched her ship fly off before returning to their small cabin that held their sleeping six month son inside. 

He waited each night for her to return to the place they called home.

He waited each night looking to the stars checking a new one didnt shine showing her death.

He waited each night as his son started to grow older and join him in waiting for her to return. 

He waited till his death for her to return but his heart knew she would never return to their home.

But in death he was able to see her once again, he saw the women he love once more and told her stories of their son who stayed waiting with his own family now. 

Thousands Years Later ....

"What have you been working on?" Shiro asked as he looked to the scrapes off paper Keith collected in his shack over the year.

"I can't explain it, really. After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kinda... lost and... felt myself drawn out to this place. It's like something... some energy, was telling me to search." Keith tried explain but wasn't sure how well he was doing.

"For what?" Shiro asked slightly in shock.

"Well, I didn't really know at the time... until I stumbled across this area. It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different story about a , but they all share clues leading to some event, some arrival happening last night. Then you showed up." Keith replied as he crossed his arms.

"... I should... thank you all for getting me out. , right?" Shiro smiled slightly as he turned to Lance offering his prosthetic hand to shake and Lance hesitates but shakes it. Shiro soon turns to Pidge and Hunk, offering his prosthetic hand once more to them but Pidge the only one to shake it and without hesitation like the arm didnt even throw her off making her catch Shiro interest.  

"The nervous guy's Hunk, I'm Pidge. So, did anyone else from your crew make it out?" Pidge replied as she looked to Shiro dead in the eye without care making him smile since the others seemed to tense or become nervous around him.

"I'm not sure. I remember the mission and being captured. After that, it's just bits and pieces." Shiro explained the best he can noticing her frown slightly making him worry.

"Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back to the aliens. Where are they now? Are they coming? Are they coming for all of us? Like where are they at this very moment?" Hunk spoke up with fear in his voice.

"I can't really put it together. I-I remember the word "". It's some kind of weapon they're looking for, but I don't know why. Whatever it is, I think we need to find it before they do." Shiro sighed and rubbed his neck. 

"Well last night, I was rummaging through 's stuff, and I found this picture. Look it's his girlfriend." Hunk smiled kindly and shows everyone in the room the picture of pidge and matt but Pidge quickly grabs it back holding it close to her chest. 

"Hey, gimme that! What were you doing in my stuff?" Pidge yelled as she glared at Hunk while holding her photo.

"I wa—I was looking for a candy bar. But then, I started reading his diary." Hunk explained shyly and Pidge paled as he pulled out her diary making her steal it back before he reads it or shows the others. 

 "WHAT?!" Pidge yelp and glared at Hunk who gave a nervous chuckle. 

Shiro just stood looking at Pidge, he didnt understand it but he felt like he knew the small boy. He felt like he knew the garrison boy all his life and something kept pulling him towards the guy.

Shiro shook his head as he imagine the small boy with elf ears and green markings, it was like he seen her before as his mind filled with such an image. 

He wondered why he seemed so important when they were just strangers but then again how could be strangers when he was ready to place his life in his hands. 

But then the little boy became a certain lady who never left his side and soon stole his heart without him ever knowing it. 

But then she was a soldier with a secret ....

A Soldier with a Secret (Shidge)Where stories live. Discover now