Chapter 6.

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"Who are you" Lotor asked once Sendak left the room after the prince ordered him to leave.

"Pidge" Pidge answered taking care since she knew Lotor was smart.

"You remind me of a prince I know, well when he was younger unless he really did get that time machine working" Lotor mumbled and looked pidge over.

"Why did you send for me" Pidge asked placed a hand on her hip.

"Simple, you caught my eye .. your truly a smart one but no human should be smart enough to understand the gladiator ring since only certain ranks can enter the audience and many who enter the ring end up dead" Lotor explained crossing his arms. 

"I dont understand what you mean, Its normal for one to guess that their attacker with enter in the only other doorway" Pidge mumbled following Lotor with her eyes as he walked around her.

"True but you were simply too calm for someone who was in the gladiator ring for the first time without any explanation on our ways. So, who are you truly" Lotor asked once more and stood behind Pidge making her tense slightly as she knew his hand was on his sword handle ready to kill her if he must. 

"Pidge" Pidge answered not going to tell him anything, not even to save her own skin. 

With the others in the cell ....

"Do you hear that" Keith mutter as he turned towards the door after hearing weak beeping.

"No I hear it too .. its coming from outside th" Lance started to say as he stood up before everyone turned as Shiro fell backgrounds as the door slid open.

"Rover" Shiro whispered surprised to see the small robot that last he knew was still broken after being shot up by a galra fighter back on earth and Pidge had no time to fix.

"Rover, take us to pidge he was taken to another room .. can you hack into the system or are you still not fixed well enough" Hunk asked as the group stepped out of the cell looking at the square base pyramid robot that light up a light green before flashing twice to say yes.

"take us to pidge, he might be in trouble" Shiro asked rover who hovered slightly lower before leading the way and the others ran after keeping up with rover not wanting to risk any time. 

Rover hovered outside a single door floating up and down letting them know he scanned pidge inside and she wasn't alone. Everyone got use to Rover signs since he couldn't talk, they did wonder why Pidge never added a voice box but they all knew Rover was great the way he was. 

They all had their backs to the walls by the door, all giving nods letting each other know they ready to burst in. Rover opened the door before flying inside with the others running inside behind him. They came to a halt as Lotor yanked Pidge hat from her, the buckle catching her cheek causing a small cut from the yank. Her hair blew into the air showing her altean pointed ears and Lotor stood stunned. 

"Your Altean" Lotor spoke in shock while her friends stood stunned at what they just saw and Pidge looked down in shame. 

"Pidge" Shiro whispered making her turn to them in horror.

"R-Rover saved us" Keith spoke as he glanced to the grey robot that lit up green in small patens.

"Good boy" Pidge weakly smiled as rover flew over rubbed against her arm. 

"What an Altean" Hunk asked unsure.

"They dont know" Lotor mumbled as he turned to pidge who gave a weak nod. 

"Pidgin" Lance frowned and Pidge eyes fell to the ground.

"She is from a planet known as Altea, She what you humans might call an Alien .. one that left the human race to die" Lotor explained and Pidge looked down in shame. 

"I'm sorry" Pidge weakly spoke and held Rover who kept brushing up against her trying to clam her. 

"So who are you .. No Altean would leave Altea ... not with their life unless they have permission unless" Lotor started to say before smirking as he remembered hearing an old rumour from three years ago.

"Please" Pidge begged knowing Lotor worked out and he just nodded in respect to her wish, after all he did like the short princess, they were close as children long ago. 

"You should escape while you can, unless you wish to die by tomorrow since my father wouldnt let all five of you live. Actually let me take you in my ship, I am the prince and No one would expect me to help you five. Follow me" Lotor replied and walked to the door.

"How can we trust you" Keith asked unsure.

"Becuase I'm going to take you to the one planet that my father can not attack unless he wish for death" Lotor smirked.

"He might be our only chance to live to fight another day" Lance sighed and the others nodded.

"Please help us" Hunk weakly smiled. 

"Then follow me and be quick, we must not be seen" Lotor warned and opened the door.

"Lets go Pidge" Shiro smiled gently as he passed the hat he gave her years ago after picking it up from the ground. 

"Thank you Shiro" Pidge smiled softly and took it in his hand before they ran out, her pulling the hat back on as they ran down the hall not seeing Sendak watching from around the corner. 

They soon reached Lotor ship, him letting them run in first before stepping on and shutting the ship main doors and flying them out. The others all stood watching as Lotor flew away without any problems and once Lotor told them they would be safe from now on, the team turned to pidge.

She looked to the hat in her hands before taking a deep breath and using her dirty sleeve to wipe her face around her altean markings. She closed her eyes as she knew her green markings could be seen and felt her friends stare at her in shock. 

"I may be altean but I left my true name and planet behind when they wouldnt agree to help save earth. I wasn't lying when I told you all I wanted to end the war and save the human race becuase I dont wish for the human race to become extinct. I'm sorry for lying but Pidge is who I really am now and I want to keep fighting with you" Pidge spoke up as she opened her eyes to look at her friends while she talked and notice them smile before she was pulling into a group hug.

 "Human or Not, your always going to be apart of voltron" Shiro smiled gently as he passed her glassed back watching pidge place them back on and being the pidge they all knew her to be. 

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