Chapter 4.

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"Hurry up" Lance yelled as he shot back towards some galra soldiers who came running down the hall towards the hanger where Pidge was fixing up the ship ready to fly.

"We almost done, just connecting the last wire" Hunk yelled back as he held a torch for pidge to see what she was doing inside the ship under the floor.

"Then lets go the ship, we dont want to waste any time of escaping" Keith called back and grabbed Lance collar dragging him towards the galra ship, Shiro behind them using his suit shield to give them cover before closing the ship door. 

"DONE" pidge cheered as she popped her head up from the open gate that lead to under the floor.

"Lets get out of here" Shiro sighed and sat in the piolet seat before shooting the hanger door and flying out. 

"They shooting at us" Hunk cried out while Pidge ducked back under the floor.

"We need the ships guns" Lance replied as the ship shake while Shiro flew trying his best to dodge any shots aimed at them.

"The guns are up and working, someone get in the single seats by the side of the ship and shoot back" Pidge yelled out as her head popped up from above the floor once again. 

"Got it, Lance take the left I'll take the right, lets get rid of those fighters" Keith grumbled and the two sat on the chairs shooting back thanks to the screens that popped up.

"Pidge jump in the passenger chair, Its not safe for you to just be standing .. sit down and strap up" Shiro ordered as he focused on flying, Hunk was already sitting on the long bench strapped up. Pidge soon sat on the passenger seat, placing the seat straps on and looking out of the window ahead seeing shots being sent all over.

Five minutes later the team was in the clear and flying  safely without any worries of being shot down. Everyone unbuckled themselves, Lance and Keith walking over to the bench seats and sitting with Hunk while Shiro stayed flying without the straps. Pidge pulled up a side screen on her half of the controls and checked the ship over before opening up another small screen showing a red dot showing the tracker on the galra cruiser sill flying towards Zarkon. 

"I'm hungry" Hunk sighed as he stood up walking over to the bench seats opposite to the ones he, Keith and Lance as sitting on where their bags and extra supplies were placed. 

"I'm just tied" Lance replied as he stood up stretching. 

"I'm gonna go train by the doors ... dont come close unless you want to be hit" Keith warned and walked to the back of the ship to work out a little.

"Good work" Shiro smiled as he turned to Pidge gave a thankful nod. 

"You weren't so bad yourself .. We got away safely thanks to your flying skills" Pidge smiled softly and pulled down on her hat a little.

"Pidgin" Lance yelp as he stepped forward only to fall in the gap that led under the floor. 

"Come on buddy, I'll help you out" Hunk smiled kindly and pulled lance out before closing the small gate. 

"How did pidge even jump out of there alone" Keith mumbled impressed since only above from Lance top chest could be seen while he stood in the gape before hunk got him out.

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