We continued and each used a ticket. We moved to Hoshiko's thing and the entitled woman returned with a man this time. He glared at her before going away since he didn't have a kimono or mask. We shrugged and kept going while I smiled.

The woman seemed to look for us and I got an idea. "Whats on your mind?" Asu asked and I smiled. I counted our numbers and smiled. "Perfect!" "What?" "Hoshiko, is it okay if we use your tickets for this?" "Oh, Yeah sure." She said and gave us each a ticket. "So I have an idea that's kinda like Secret Santa but you know who's getting you something." "Okay, how will we decide?" "Well, someone might get 2 people since there's 15 of us." "I can do it." Megami said and I nodded. "Okay, so stand in a circle basically and then get the person across from you. We'll be going in groups of 3 to make it easy to protect people. Or however many you want to hang out with." They nodded. We got in a circle and said somethings we liked related here.

I saw that I was getting something for Hanako. I smiled and she smiled to me. Megami was getting something for Akane and I. I felt my hand getting tugged on and pulled it up. It had the ticket in it and I turned. The girls were annoyed and pulled me back when I tried to talk and Megami spoke. "Mrs, would you stop your son from doing that? She isn't giving her ticket away to your entitled ass or your son." "Hey, be nice Megami." "I can't. They're annoying us because they want something for free." I sighed and got tickets that Amai and Oka hadn't used. "Here Megami. Here's a second one. Just take this one and leave us alone please." "Give me yours too." "Please just take this one. I could be annoying and not give this to you."

"Since you made me get lectured by my husband, made my son cry and touched him without consent, I want yours too." "Ma'am, I'm going to use this one for my friend. Could you please just take this one and-" "You're lucky that I'm not making you give me more for what you've done!" "I don't even know what you mean! I can see that you're married but who's your husband? Is he here? And why isn't he near you if he is?" 'He's at work right now." I was confused. "Okay? Just take-" "Give me yours too." I sighed and looked at her. "Okay, you know what? Never mind." I said and put it away.

She was shocked and grabbed my arm. "Okay, I'll-" "Too late. I tried being nice, but I can't. Leave us alone." I said and walked with Hoshiko. We went with the five girls. We agreed to return there after we were all done.

I got Hanakō and smiled. When we went, I saw heart earrings and it was combined with a fox inside the hearts that could be removed. I bought it and they thanked me after I bought it. The others got something and we returned soon. The fox that can be removed is a hair tie in a way. The shape is in a heart and kinda small and I smiled.

When we were all here, I gave it to Hanako and she squealed with happiness. "Osana! Look at how cute it is!" "I'll put them in later." "Thank you!" She nodded and smiled as Megami gave me the two foxes who happily tugged on the sleeves of my kimono. "Megami, Thank you But I don't think I can't have anymore animals in my home." "I can take them if not. Just text your parents." I sighed and nodded while both nuzzled my arms. We all pet them and smiled while Akane had a black and red fox and a fennec fox. "Aw, they're so cute." She nodded and had them both napping in a basket. Megami gave me a basket for them too and I nodded.

They crawled in and relaxed while gently nibbling at my hands. I asked them and when they heard that Megami already bought them, I could basically hear their sigh and they agreed. "Alright then. As normal, take care of them and you have to buy their stuff." "Okay. Thank you." I hung up and nodded. "Alright, I can keep them." "That's nice. I can help you buy what they need. Damien gave me a small list of what the foxes in the rescue center had." She gave me a small note and it had 3 bulletin points filled and some extra information on the back.

* Food- Mice, berries, frogs, insects, roots.
* Bed- Dog beds worked just fine. Any bed should be fine.
* Toys- None, entertained themselves playfully fighting.

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