Chapter Thirty-Five

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Jerry's POV

I was having some serious emotional issues.

And I wasn't talking about the sub drop drama of yesterday, where I'd wanted to flay the skin from Robert's bones and chew on his insides. ...That was graphic. But, no. I was having emotional issues on the opposite side of the spectrum.

In chemistry, I hardly paid attention at all. I was too busy trying not to think and be nervous. Considering I was usually scribbling notes, answering questions, and chatting with everyone around me, I'd gotten some weird looks from Aidan already.

...Class was also way more boring now that Aidan was mostly sober the whole time. He put up with less shit.

"Psst," I hissed to Finn. "I'm having issues."

Finn was staring, head in hand and mouth wide open, at Aidan. He didn't even hear me the first time. His eyes were totally glassy.

I followed his gaze to our professor who, admittedly, was a fucking sexy beast. Shit. I'd pay big money to watch that man punish Finn.

"Psst," I tried again. "How fast do you think I can obtain a white stallion?"

Finn's eyelashes fluttered and he reluctantly shifted his gaze away from Aidan. "Huh?"

"How fast do you think I can obtain a white stallion?" I asked again, wondering why in the hell that wasn't clear enough already.

Viv, Brianna, and Ben all stared at me with irritation in their eyes.

"Shut up," Brianna whispered. "Just because you're a freaking genius doesn't mean that we can all chat and get As. Quiet."

Brittany, our favorite female in Chemistry class, reached behind herself to slap my knee and hiss. "His shirt is riding up. I repeat; his shirt is riding up."

Sure enough, Aidan had stretched and his shirt was riding up just a little. I knew he was doing it for Finn, just like the dirty little Powerpuff Girl he was.

"Damn!" I said, to put on a show, but my heart wasn't in it.

To be fair, leering at my sexy professor had died on me a bit since he started dating my best friend. Plus, my hot older guy was way more attractive. Aidan was starting to look less like a sexy older guy and more like a muscular gorilla.

...Shit. Thinking that Aidan wasn't the sexiest man on the planet was a sign that I really did have emotional problems.

Because Finn and I had grown as people since the beginning of the semester, we didn't chatter during our lecture. Instead, we sat and learned. And let our peers learn. Like the good Samaritans we were.

But the second the class was over? I basically had Finn pinned against the wall.

"I have to confess something to you really quickly because it's embarrassing, so you have to be supportive and help me, okay?" I word-vomited.

Finn gave me his best googly-eye impersonation. "Huh? Okay then."

"Grand." I clapped, because I was very nervous and tended to do weird things when that was the case. "Dope. What's good in the hood? Okay, sorry, I'm just prepping. This is gonna just like happen real quick, okay? Leave, you guys."

I shooed the rest of my friend group, the gossiping queens, away. They flipped me off and went on about their business.

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "IthinkIloveRobert."

Finn's jaw hit the ground. "What! No way! I mean, to be fair, it's about time, guy! Robert has been flirting with you since forever! OH MY GOD. MCHARDIN FOR THE MOTHERFUCKING WIN."

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