Chapter Eighteen

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Jerry's POV

At the base of my throat, the warmth of the collar was a comfort. It was a weird, because I would've thought that such a possessive thing would've made me feel vulnerable. Instead, it felt like a piece of Robert near me.

I kissed the man before me, taking my time and letting him lead. It was slower than the night before, and therefore much more intimate. My heart beat quicker and I reached up to grab him.

What surprised me, though, was Robert removing my hands from his chest and pinning them behind my back. I pulled away and stared into his playful smirk.

And shit, those blue eyes were so gorgeous.

"You ready to play, boy?" he asked, voice low with lust.

All I could do was nod.

Apparently, that wasn't that Master Robert wanted. He reached up and clasped my chin, giving me a scathing look. "Jerry, Jerry. Even horny young women reading Fifty Shades knows that all submissive should answer verbally."

All it took was that look from him — a mixture of scolding and hunger — and a switch flipped inside of me. Any quick comeback, catchy reference, or stupid joke that I usually had died on my tongue completely.

All I was left with was the desire to do what he wanted.

"I'm sorry," I nearly whispered. "I want to."

This was all new to me, so there was still a feeling of uncertainty there. As if he could read my mind, Robert silenced those insecurities with a sweet kiss on my nose and a smile. "Don't be sorry, sweet boy."

He let my arms go and I gasped a little. Already, even though we'd hardly done anything, my focus was all on him. And my sensitivity was rising alongside my arousal.

"What would you like to try, sweetheart?" Master Robert asked, gesturing to the room. "You can pick out anything. You can pick an item on the wall, or a piece of furniture in the room. Whatever you'd like."

A cheeky part of me wanted to pick the hot tub. But a more dominant part of me was genuinely curious for what would happen during a scene.

Besides, Robert and I would be playing for a while. The bratty and cheeky side could come out later. For now, I wanted to be good.

I thought about what I really wanted, but nothing in particular came to mind. I didn't want to try a specific item, I wanted to experience a certain feeling.

Finally, I met his eyes. "I want you to put me on my knees, or in your lap, or wherever you think that I'll feel...I guess, like I'm smaller than you. Or... like you're in charge."

Master Robert smirked. "I like that a lot, sweet boy. I think every submissive feels that way best when they're on their knees."

I didn't need him to tell me twice. With all the grace of a stumbling baby deer, I managed to hunker down to my knees before him. Master Robert was a tall man already, usually towering over me, but when I was on my knees the effect was intensified. He reached down and tilted my chin upwards, forcing me to look at him.

"Close your eyes," he said, an edge to his voice and made me obey in an instant. "Good boy."

A beat of silence, and a light kiss was being pressed to my lips. I smiled into our kiss.

"I'm going to take this off, even though you look incredible in it," Master Robert said, tugging at the bottom of my shirt. I raised my arms and let him tug it over my head. "I want you to focus on my voice and that's all."

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