Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jerry's POV

"Okay, this is an intervention," Finn said, steadying me with a very stern look. "You're creeping me out. Usually you're happy and extroverted, but you have an edge of sass. Now you're just like full-on rainbows, unicorns, and sunshine all the time."

I waved a hand at him and looked back at my phone. "Chill, sis! I'm just happy because— LOOK AT IT!" I squealed, shoving my phone in his face. "I'm so excited. It's gonna say Master's boy. Guess who isn't the only guy with a hot older Dominant? Youuuuuu."

Finn stared at me. "This is not normal Jerry behavior," he said, eyes wide and alarmed. "Usually you'd be roasting Master Robert for being, like, clingy!"

I held the picture to my chest and closed my eyes. I'd come back to the dorm after spending the night with Master Robert yesterday, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. I kept imagining his soft smiles, teasingly Dominant smirks, his low voice, or the way he touched me.

"I can't help it, Finny," I sighed, flopping back onto my bed. "He's my Dominant! We decided yesterday. And we made a contract and now I'm gonna have a collar that keeps all the other Doms away."

Finn tsked. "Independent Jerry has fallen so far."

"Shush," I leapt onto his bed and cuddled into his sides. The serotonin emitting from my brain was almost palpable. "I'm still an independent Jerry, but now I'm an independent Jerry who gets to have amazing sex with his long-term partner."

Finn yawned, dropped the book he was reading, and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm a hugger, so this is nice."

"Eep!" I shrieked, flailing my legs. "Finn. We have rules. And he could punish me. I'm so happy."

And I really was happy. Was there also a nagging suspicion, deep in the back of my brain, that told me I wished I had more? Yes. But what-the-hell ever.

But I could ignore it and pretend that it didn't exist. Instead, I focused on the positives. Master Robert was my Dominant! He was the top dog at the club — the man every submissive wanted — and he was all mine.

Finn patted my head. "Welcome to the dark side, my friend. Here I thought you were half-convinced that you were a Dom."

I bit my lip and shrugged. "I mean, I feel like if I were dating a guy who really wanted to be bossed around, I could do it. But when I'm with Robert..." I groaned and shivered. "That man takes charge, holy fuckeroli."

Finn leaned forward, eyes sparkling. "Isn't it the greatest?"

"Oh fuck yes. Oh and Finn! Did I tell you that I emailed the internship professor?" I squealed. "She said that being the PR person for Robert counts as an internship, so basically I get to go get blow jobs and put it on my resume!"


"And my nipple piercing consultation is today!"

Finn snorted. "Holy shit. Is Robert taking you? Wait, can I come? When do you get your nipples pierced? If you get your nipples pierced and I don't get to watch, so help me god."

I bounced up and down and kissed Finn's cheek. "Bae. You're obviously coming. But this is just a little chat or whatever, the real thing is happening in a week! I've already pinned handcuff barbells on Pinterest, and ones that say slut. Don't make me do it, I think I'm gonna do it—"

"Please don't do it."

I dabbed.

Finn sighed like it physically pained him. "Oh God. That died so long ago, Jerry, that its corpse is already decomposed."

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