Chapter Six

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Robert's POV

I stared at the beautiful boy across the table, wondering, not for the first time, if he was insane.

"I just don't understand," I admitted, ignoring his irritated glare. "Abraham...he looks...well, there really is no polite way to put it. He looks like he's part bird."

Jerry buried his face into the table, just barely missing his cheeseburger. "His name is Adam. For the last time. Holy shit."

I ate a fry off of his plate. I'd subtly eaten about half of Jerry's fries. My goal was to finish them completely without him noticing.

"Not the point. The point is, why did you have sex with him?"

"Passion just took over."

"No, that sounds like a telenovela," I scolded. "This is real life. What did your phone call with him earlier entail? You said you kicked out your friends, then what happened? You skipped over that part."

"You called me to inspect your stupid club," Jerry groaned. "I barely had time to talk to him. Is this seriously all we're gonna talk about? I thought you were taking me on a date."

As nice as the thought was, I had competition to deal with.

"Jerry," I said, making sure to sound scolding. His eyes glazed over when I used that tone. I used that as an opportunity to take another fry. "Please. Why did Adam say that he had sex with you?"

Jerry took a bite of his cheeseburger and scowled at his plate. "Because—" lettuce flew out of his mouth. "—he said he had unresolved emotional insecurities regarding his ex-husband boinking a twenty year old."

I took another fry and nodded. "Yes, he does sound like an emotional train wreck. Which leads us back to...why, honestly, why, did you have sex with him, and continue to turn me down?! I mean—okay, ignore that last part. That last part was silly."

Jerry stared at me, lettuce hanging from his lips. "Bitch, excuse me?"

I swallowed. I did not dare take another fry.

"Well...I'm just confused. I have this thought—in my own head, that Adam Lincoln is mentally unstable. Due to his past behaviors, including but not limited to: blackmail, stalking, manipulation of others, and being ugly."

The lettuce fell to his plate, and Jerry was left staring at me, open-mouthed. "I'm sorry. Are you telling me that you're only mad because you feel like you're better than Adam and you're offended that I didn't put out to you first?!"



I reached for a fry and Jerry slapped my hand.

"But you don't deny that he's ugly?" I attempted.

Jerry stood up and glared. "I have to pee."

I had no idea why he put so much emphasis on that sentence, but Jerry was theatrical. I was feeling awfully stupid as I watched him stalk away.

The truth was, I was a little bothered that Jerry had sex with Adam. Not because I thought Jerry owed me anything, because I knew he didn't. And not because of looks either.

I was jealous. And obviously, no matter how ugly or evil I thought Adam was, he must have something on me for Jerry to like him better.

By the time Jerry came back, I'd decided to completely change course. There was no way to explain myself without making it sound like I thought Jerry owed me sex.

"Let's talk about your kinks," I offered.

Jerry rolled his eyes. "Everything is about kinks with you."

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