Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jerry's POV

Since seeing Robert last, I had called my parents twenty times, cried with Finn three times, kissed Adam Lincoln one time, brushed my teeth thirty-five times, and made up my mind once.




For good measure, I cuddled up with Finn once more and groaned for twenty consecutive seconds. He patted my back. "There, there. You're gonna be okay."

"MmmmMMPPPHHHHHHghggg," I responded.

"There, there. Please get up. You're crushing me," Finn muttered.

That wasn't motivating for me. "Shush, Finny, we both know you like having someone on top of you."

He cackled.

I'd had a rough time since Robert and I made our deal. Not a single second wasn't spend thinking about Robert and the choice he'd given me. As far as I was concerned, I was stuck in between two options.

My mom even texted me, You doing ok honey? just know that your father and I love you no matter who you're with <3 whatever makes you happy, ok?

Oh geez. She and dad were way too nice. They made me feel even more guilty about the whole thing.

All over again, I had no idea what my choice was. Robert had given me such a long time to think it over and I still wasn't sure!

I decided to shoot Robert a text, just to check in. I hadn't talked to him since his house, except when I got weak and sent him a goodnight text. He'd responded with 'sleep well sweet boy' and I melted.

Me: do you know ur choice yet?

It wasn't until an hour later when he answered with, I think so

I was so worried. What happened if we didn't pick the same choice? Something told me that, knowing my choice, we probably wouldn't.

Finn leaned over and whispered, "You're not breaking up with him, right? Or... ending your hookups, or whatever the equivalent would be."

"No!" I gasped, eyes wide. "Why would you think that? Is he gonna break up with me? Did Aidan say something?"

Finn backed up and held his hands out. "Breathe. No. Geez! You just seemed really stressed, and I thought that might be what's making you nervous. If you're staying with him, isn't that a good thing?"

I didn't really know how to explain to Finn that the choice was more than just staying together. We were defining our relationship. I just really didn't want us to have different choices. What if we chose something different and it was awkward after that?

The worst part was that, even though stuff with Robert was what stressed me out, Robert generally knew how to make me relax. And, like it or not, he'd become my go-to guy for the past few months.

So, unfortunately, Robert was the guy I had to text.

Me: im freaking out

Master Dominant Sir Yes Sir: why??

Me: what if we pick two different things?

Master Dominant Sir Yes Sir: why would that be bad? we're two different people. we'd make a compromise. or, if that's not possible, we'd do what you want to do.

Me: WHAT?! ur a donut

Master Dominant Sir Yes Sir: im not a donut! it makes sense. you're the one without the experience. I wanna do what you wanna do

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