Chapter Five

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Jerry's POV

"And then, hypothetically, the guy calls me a whiny dickbag," I said carefully. Robert didn't even let me finish.

"I will kill him," he said, staring into my eyes with resolve.


Robert scowled, looked at the floor with great concentration, and edited his answer. "Right, you said no violence. I'll force him to eat one of Finn's vegan meals."

"That's worse than violence," I grumbled. "Look, I understand that you have the hots for this sweet ass." I spanked my own butt for emphasis. "But you're not my daddy. You're not my dom. You're not my bodyguard. In fact, if you keep this up, all you'll be is in prison for fifteen years!"

Robert crossed his arms—ooh, yummy muscles—and leaned back against the wall. "That's fair. But still, I don't like that he's harassing you."

"I don't like that you're acting like a psychopath," I growled. "We've literally only known each other for a few months, you don't need to beat people up for me."

Robert scowled and stepped forward, grabbing my chin. He directed my gaze into his eyes. "I agreed with you. There is no need no be rude."

I bit my lip and tried to pretend like I wasn't having a positive bodily reaction to stern look. "I'm not saying 'yes sir' to you. We're not at your stupid club."

Robert frowned and let me go. "See? You could use discipline."

Everything went right back to BDSM for this guy. I sighed and ruffled my own hair in frustration. "Please don't attack him anymore? Or actually, please stop attacking people ever?"

"I push people into walls, that's not attacking. That's...passionate persuasion."

I facepalmed. Robert grinned.

I tried to ignore how that smile lit up his whole fucking face. Ew. The man was practically already a fossil.

"So, are you interested in getting out of here?" Robert asked with a small smirk. His lust for my ass couldn't be more obvious if he tried.


"What's taking so—oh hi." Finn shut the classroom door behind him and instantly started blushing his ass off.

"Hello flower," Robert grinned. Robert knew just how his domliness made Finn get blushy and he took advantage.

"What are you doing here?" Except Finn said it shyly, because he was a new member of Robert's club and a newly collared submissive to boot. "Um. Sir."

Don't facepalm...try not to facepalm.

Robert puffed up a little. "It's nice to be around a respectful submissive." He shot me a pointed look.

"Not a submissive," I grumbled.

"I was just thinking of taking Jerry out for lunch," he mused. "You could come as well."

Finn looked back and forth between the two of us. He gave me a wicked grin. "What kinda best friend would I be if I did that? I'm gonna head back to class, you two crazy kids have fun."

I glared at him. I hated him.

Finn winked at me. "Check your phone. Bye Master Robert!"

Waited until he was gone before glancing down. And I wished I hadn't looked at all.

Finn: sister suck his dick,.. nobody likes a tsundere

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