Chapter Twelve

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Robert's POV

Jerry was the kind of person who could make a whole entire room smile. He had a vibrancy about him that brought joy to everyone he talked to. His smile alone looked like it could have been made by sunshine.

Would I be happy as his boyfriend? Yes; more than happy. But that wasn't what he deserved. He was too young. He would eventually fall in love with someone his age, with whom he could lead a normal, happy life.

"I'm not interested in you romantically," I lied right through my teeth. I managed to say it with enough detachment that Jerry nodded. "And I know you aren't interested in me either."

I wanted to see his reaction, but he was good. His face didn't change, but there was the smallest shift in his breathing.

"And yes, the idea of you having to date someone who is twice your age makes me feel guilty." That was the truth. "But you know what wouldn't make me feel guilty at all?"

"Sex," Jerry blurted. His pupils were wider than I'd ever seen; eyes a crystal, captivating green. His dirty blonde hair was curling a little at the temples with sweat, which shouldn't have been attractive, but it was.

I smiled and let my hand slide further up his thigh, close enough to make him gasp. "Exactly."

I would take what I could get. And if I fell in love with the wild boy and his soft smile, so be it. I could make myself let him go.

Subconsciously, Jerry spread his legs wider. His eyes traveled from my crotch, to my chest, and then to my eyes. He smirked. "That sounds awesome."

"Want to find a bed somewhere?" I gasped, worried for just a second the the would get mad at my presumption.

Thankfully, Jerry was just as horny as I was. "Absolutely," he gasped, hopping off of the desk. I grabbed the key to my room — the one I hadn't used in months — and we nearly fell out of my office, kissing.

Actually, we nearly fell right into Aidan Demos' arms.

He crossed his arms and glared. "Oh, you're finally done being disgusting. Great. Come on, lovebirds, you're needed at the front of the club."

The shift in mood was so abrupt I was confused. "Wha— What? Why are you waiting outside my door like a creep?"

Aidan's eyes were usually an intimidatingly dark grey, but my words somehow made them even darker. "Oh, I knocked. Multiple times. I kicked your door twice. I gave up when I heard moaning."

Jerry and I exchanged a sheepish look. "Sorry?" Jerry squeaked.

Aidan glared. He pointed at my crotch. "The tip of your dick is sticking out of your pants. Might wanna fix that before you go talk to people."

He stalked off and I awkwardly fixed my pants.

Jerry laughed and checked his phone. "Damn, all this drama and it isn't even midnight yet! Shame he killed the mood though, huh?"

My cock was throbbing so bad that it physically hurt. I gritted my teeth. "No kidding. I'll go deal with whatever's happening at the door, and then maybe... want to come home with me?"

Jerry propped his fists on his hips and grinned. "I thought we weren't doing romance. Yuck." He stuck out his tongue and fake-vomited.

I challenged him with a raised eyebrow. "Where I'll bend you over the arm of my sofa and fuck you until you scream my name?"

"Damn, dude!"

I kissed him and left him sputtering.

When I made it to the front, I found Aidan next to a very nervous employee. She talked before I'd even finished walking up to them.

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