Chapter 27

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I groaned as I struggled to get up from the couch. It had been two weeks since I'd been released from the hospital. Kacchan had been feeding me well since I'd been home and my belly had gotten impossibly big in such a short time. It hadn't seemed so bad last week at the doctors, but I had gotten large rather quickly. Right before the doctor had come in Kacchan had run out of the room to talk to him. I hadn't really cared at the time, because I had been starving and miserable, but now it struck me as kind of suspicious. I had  another appointment today, so maybe I'd find out whatever it was that they had talked about. I rubbed my belly fondly as I finally managed to stand.

Normally, Kacchan would be there helping me since he wouldn't let me do anything on my own, but I got tired of him hovering so much. I ended up faking a craving for ice cream and he ran out to go get it for me. He would be back soon to take me to the doctor. I really hoped my babies had moved into a better position so the doctor could at least tell me how many I would be having, even if he couldn't tell me the genders.

King must have heard me struggling to get up, because he came over to the couch to glare at me. I refused to call him King Explosion Murder. I still couldn't believe Kacchan had named him that. So I'd taken to just calling him King. Not that he ever listened to me. I was the one who rescued him, but he loved Kacchan the most. Stupid dog. Ok, he wasn't stupid. I still loved him even if he only loved Kacchan. King only seemed to tolerate me. It didn't see to matter how many treats I gave him or how much love I bestowed upon him.

I stroked behind his ears then waddled over to the bathroom for about the millionth time today. I couldn't wait to be done with this pregnancy. I was ready for the aching in my body to go away. For the frequent bathroom trips to be over. For my freaking emotions to go back to being stable. But mostly, I was just ready to meet my babies. I already felt such an enormous amount of love for them. I rubbed my stomach again and felt a kick. I used the bathroom and washed my hand, and by the time I waddled back out, Kacchan was walking in the door.

"What are you doing up?"

"I'm fine Kacchan. I can manage to get off the couch without injuring myself."

"I know, I just want to make sure you're ok."

He really had been extremely sweet since I'd gotten back. Almost too sweet actually. It was kinda hot when he got all growly. I let out a sigh. That was another reason I wanted this damn pregnancy to be over. I was so horny that I couldn't stand it. But at the same time I felt so ungainly and unattractive that I didn't feel comfortable trying to initiate anything with my mate. And he must have felt the same way, because he hadn't tried to touch me. It was enough to make me scream, and not in a good way. I sighed. I felt really close to tears. His arms wrapped tight around me and he kissed my forehead. I relaxed against him and inhaled his soothing caramel scent.

"What's wrong Deku?"

I didn't mean to say anything. I was just going to take comfort in his warmth and his scent. But somehow, the words just sort of slipped out.

"I want sex."

His whole body tensed against me and I felt tears prick my eyes. I knew he didn't find me attractive anymore.

"Never mind, it's ok. I know I'm not really attractive right now and it would be difficult with my stomach in the way. So, just uh- pretend I didn't say anything, ok? We can just move on with our day and pretend like those completely awkward words didn't just leave my mouth. Yeah, in fact we should get going right now. Oh god, why did I even say that? I'll uh- just-"

"Shut up, Deku!"

My lips automatically closed. It was wired into me to obey my alpha. Kacchan gently pushed me away and grabbed my chin. He gently wiped away my tears and gave me a sweet, close-mouthed kiss. He grabbed my hand and led me down his delicious abs to his crotch. Oh! He was hard!

"It's not that I don't want you. I want you all the fucking time. You've always been beautiful, Deku and I don't find you any less beautiful now that you're carrying my kids. But, you went through a tough experience, so I didn't want to press you. And we should definitely get you cleared by a doctor first. But even if you're not cleared, how about I blow you when we get home?"

A shudder snaked up my spine and I might have whimpered a little. Oh! He really was sweet. I went up on my toes to kiss him and he steadied me with a hand on the small of my back. His other hand tangled in my hair and pulled tight so my neck arched. I let out a moan as he devoured my mouth. Sucking my bottom lip until I opened for him. Then his tongue swept into my mouth to tangle with my own. I gasped out a moan as his hand moved down to my butt and squeezed. He pulled away much too soon, but his crimson eyes were full of lust.

"Let's get you to your appointment so we can get back home."

I smiled up at him and he gave me one last kiss before helping out me to the car. We rode to the hospital with our hands clasped together over the center console. I had a silent conversation with my babies that they needed to get in a proper position so they could be counted. The rolling in my stomach had me thinking they were doing as I asked. I guess we'd find out soon enough. We arrived at the hospital and only had to wait fifteen minutes before being shown to a room. I had Kacchan help me put on the gown and then waited patiently for the doctor. He came in almost as soon as I'd gotten dressed. I think that after the commotion Kacchan caused the last time we were here, they didn't want to keep him waiting. I didn't mind because it meant I got seen sooner.

"Hello again, Mr. Midoriya. Let's see if those babies are cooperating today."

I laid back as he prepped my stomach with the gel and grabbed the wand. A few seconds later and an image popped up on screen. I gasped and tears came to my eyes. I could finally see a proper picture.

"Ok. They are in a perfect position this week. Looks like there are three of them. You can see the little faces here. And here are the hands and feet. They are developed enough to that you can see their little toes. And if I'm not mistaken.... Looks like they're all girls."


An Omega's Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن