Chapter 11

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Why did I think this would actually work out for me? Why did I think I'd get the things I wanted most? Of course Bakugou didn't actually care about me. Why would he? I should have known better than to hope for more with him. He was an amazing good looking alpha, and I was just, me. I wasn't anything special. But at least I knew his true feelings before this went anywhere.

Now I wouldn't do something stupid, like fall in love with him. More tears fell from my eyes and rushed down my cheeks. I was so stupid! Id run out of there without my phone or wallet, or even shoes. So at some point I'd have to go back in there and face him. I don't know how long I stood outside, arms hugging my chest, tears making slow trails down my face, but it was long enough for the sun to set and the sky to grow dark.

By the time the front door opened I was sitting on the grass hugging my knees to my chest, but I was no longer crying. My muscles were stiff and my stomach was rumbling in hunger but I ignored it all. At some point I really needed to get up so I could retrieve my stuff and go home but I couldn't make myself move yet. I heard quiet mummering behind me then the door closed. A car started up and drove off. I remained as I was, staring at nothing, huddled against the pain I felt.

His spicy caramel scent wrapped around before I felt Bakugou kneel on the ground beside me. The potent scent of alcohol preceded his words, making my stomach clench in unease.

"I thought you were gone. Have you been out here this whole time?"

I ignored him. I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I didn't know what to say. I knew what his true feelings were now, and I couldn't let myself get caught up in my instincts. He was my alpha now, and my instincts demanded I cuddle close. That I wrap myself in his scent and that he would always be my safe place. But I knew better than that. My instincts were a lie. His hand touched my shoulder, heat searing my skin. I had to close my eyes and bite my lip to keep from moaning at that small touch. My body craved him, but I couldn't submit.

"Deku.... I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said to Kiri. It came out wrong."

The words were just what I wanted to hear but I couldn't trust anything he might say to sway me. I couldn't undo his claim, but I could chose to live without him. I wouldn't deny him access to this baby, but I couldn't do this to myself. If I stayed around him, I'd fall for him. And it would only hurt more when he found someone else. Those were just his instincts talking. He'd meant what he said to Kiri, but his instincts were telling him to fix things with his omega.

I knew better than to believe him. I moved away from him and stood, muscles protesting. My gaze roamed his face, taking in his dilated eyes and flushed cheeks. He'd obviously had quite a bit to drink. I felt anger rush through me and clenched my fists. Of course he'd have to go and get drunk to confront me. I was obviously so abhorrant to him that he couldn't face me without some liquid courage.

"No! I'm the one who's sorry. Sorry I ever thought this could work between us. Sorry I believed you for one second. Sorry you claimed me. Sorry I got..."

I had to stop myself as fresh tears welled in my eyes. I couldn't finish that sentence. While unexpected, I wasn't actually sorry about the baby. Even if Bakugou couldn't be mine, I was happy to have this little piece of him. I couldn't be sorry about that. Even if it would cost me endless heartache in the long run, I'd love this baby with every part of me. He or she would never doubt my love for them.

"Deku, come inside so we can talk about this."

Bakugou rose to his feet and stumbled a little as he made his way to the door. Was he that drunk? Was talking to me such a hardship that he had to get drunk off his ass to do it? My lips tightened as I followed him into the house. I just needed to grab my stuff, then I was leaving. I wasn't going to hear anything he had to say. I didn't owe him anything. I was the one who'd been wronged here. I was the one whose life was changing.

I was the one who didn't have any choices. I was already claimed, so it's not like I could ever find another alpha. And even if I hadn't been claimed, the baby would assure the same thing. No alpha wanted to raise another alphas baby. I was doomed to a life alone. All because of him. I let out a breath then straightened my spine. I could figure this out. I didn't need him. I didn't need anyone. I would be just fine raising this baby. My mom had done it and I could do it too.

Determined, I tried to walk past him to the stairs. I just needed to grab my shoes, phone, and wallet and I could go. I didn't need to stay here and listen to whatever he had to say. No matter what came out of his mouth now, I knew the truth. There was no reason to think he'd lie to his friend. No, listening to him wouldn't help anything. It would just set me up to get hurt. I'd have to stay strong. Bakugou grabbed my wrist as I walked past.

"We need to talk Deku."

I jerked my wrist away from him and turned back towards the stairs.

"I've heard everything I needed to. I was a mistake. It was all part of the mission. You didn't mean to claim me. I get it. Sorry for messing up your life. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll fix that for you."

I made it to the bottom of the stairs before a wave of his pheromones sent me crashing to my knees. I was suddenly swimming in spicy caramel and didn't know which way was up. A gentle touch to my face brought me back to awareness. I blinked as Bakugou's perfect face came back into focus.

"Damnit Deku! Shut the fuck up and listen to me! I fucked up. He caught me off guard. I didn't mean what I said. You drive me fucking crazy!"

I didn't even have time to process his words before his lips crashed down on mine. All my nerve endings lit up and my thoughts ceased to matter. He was everything I'd ever wanted. My heart clenched painfully at the look in his eyes as I pushed him away.

"Bakugou, I can't do this."

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