Chapter 3

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I felt myself start to cringe as tears pricked my eyes. I hurriedly blinked them away as I looked at the floor. Of course he wouldn't remember me. Why would he? I was nobody to him. Yes, we'd been close when we were kids but once he'd started showing alpha tendencies, he didn't have time for me anymore. From that moment on, we were no longer friends.

When we got to high school it got much worse. For awhile, when I didn't present as anything, he bullied me. But he eventually got bored and moved on. Choosing to completely ignore my existence instead. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that he didn't remember me, but it still hurt.

He was still as handsome as he'd been in high school. Only now, he was much taller and more muscular. He still had that same spicy caramel scent that drove me wild. Only, it was more potent and called to my omega genes. I wanted to go to him and rub against him so I could saturate myself in his scent. I made myself take a step back instead.

It wouldn't be a good idea to give in to my instincts. Bakugou wouldn't welcome me pawing at him. As far as I knew, he was straight and someone like him wouldn't want me anyway. If I wanted to keep peoples respect, I couldn't let my baser instincts rule me.

"It's been a long time Bakugou. I haven't seen you since high school."

I glanced up at him, only to find a sneer on his perfect face. His jawline was sharp enough to cut steel, and he had a strong nose, brooding red eyes, and thick masculine eyebrows that matched the perfect blonde of his hair. The scowl on his face did nothing to soften his appearance. They only thing soft about him was his mouth. Even sneering as it was, I could tell his lips were full and a luscious shade of pink.

His red eyes looked me up and down, then easily dismissed me. He wasn't impressed. I felt my shoulders hunch slightly at the look. I had no idea why I'd always liked him. I mean yeah, he was an alpha's alpha, but looks weren't everything. There was just something about him that called to me. No matter how many cruel things he'd said to me, I still couldn't convince myself he was no good. But that was a long time ago. Maybe he'd changed.

"You let omegas work here? Since when did this place get desperate enough to hire useless omegas?

Or maybe not. It wasn't his fault though. Plenty of alphas had the same opinion. They didn't think omegas were good for anything but having babies and taking care of the home. Few alphas let their omegas have jobs, and those that did, definitely didn't work for the police. They had minor jobs like secretarial work or part-time cashiers and receptionists. They only reason I got this job was because the chief was friends with my mom and didn't view omegas in the same way as other alphas.

He'd given me a chance to prove myself and I had. Every task he'd given me, I'd completed fast and thoroughly. I was proud to be the only omega in the police service and I hoped that I was paving the way for future generations. Omegas could do a lot more than alphas thought they could. They just needed to be given a chance.

I glared at Bakugou, but the flare of his pheromones had me flinching. It was wired into my DNA to be fearful of an angry alpha. I couldn't help myself. I let out a little whimper of fright and was immediately embarrassed.

"That's enough young Bakugou!"

The chief came around the desk and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me behind him. I place my head on his back and tried to stop myself from shaking. Bakugou hadn't changed at all from high school. He was still a jerk. That didn't stop a part of me from wanting him though. He was my first crush, and I'd never been able to squash those feelings. The angry pheromones dispersed and I was able to take a breath.

"I'm sorry Toshinori. I was surprised. But you have to understand. This case is really important. These guys have to be put away. Do you think an omega is the right person to help me do that?"

His words stung but I didn't say anything to defend myself. Maybe he was right. I didn't know all the details of the case, but I knew the group were bad people. I wanted to help take them down.

"I understand Bakugou. But I wouldn't have called him if I didn't think he was perfect for the job. He's done plenty of undercover work before. He's been an asset to my team. Here, sit down and we can discuss this like rational men."

I let the chief lead me to the chair I had occupied earlier and sat down. Bakugou took the seat next to me, though he leaned slightly away. I hunched into myself and tried to be inconspicuous. It hurt that just my presence was so abhorrent to him. What had I done?

The chief and Bakugou began discussing the case in more detail while I sat huddled in the chair. I barely paid any attention to what they were saying. I was still trying to calm down from Bakugou's unexpected anger at my presence. His scent washed over me again and I closed my eyes with a shudder.

Tingles spread up my spine. I listened to the rough growling cadence of his voice and imagined how it would sound whispering naughty words in my ear. My skin broke out in goosebumps and a flush rose in my cheeks. I quickly glanced up, but neither of them were paying any attention to me. I was free to fantasize to my hearts content. Expect, that wouldn't be very professional of me. And I was a professional.

I had worked hard to show that being an omega wouldn't hold me back. I prided myself on all the work I'd done thus far in making a name for myself here. I was a hard worker, and I had done good things. I'd helped put all kinds of criminals away. Yeah! Who was he to look down on me? He didn't know me at all! I could help! I'd prove it! The sound of my name startled me and I looked up quickly.

"I mean, just look at him. He fits perfectly for what you need. He looks much younger than he is, and he's a male omega. I can't think of anyone else who would be better for this job."

I turned to find Bakugou looking at me. I knew I could do this. I could help put away these criminals for good. I sat up straighter and got lost in the crimson eyes that would decide my fate.

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