Chapter 13

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I snuck out of his house like a thief in the night. Fresh tears fell down my face as I held back a sob. I felt like my heart was being crushed. I didn't want to leave him, but how could I know which Bakugou was the real one? Was he being truthful when he spoke to Kirishima? Or was the way he'd touched me last night the true him? I didn't know. And until I could be certain, I had to separate myself from him. I couldn't be around him until I could protect my heart. I already knew that the next time I was in his presence I'd give in. I couldn't fight my own biology. I was an omega and he was an alpha.

There was no way I could ignore his wants or needs. Especially not after he claimed me. I was his, body and mind. Sadly, I couldn't even decide if that's something I wanted to change. If I thought he could love me, I'd jump willingly into his arms and never let go. But I just wasn't sure. I had to figure out how to guard my heart in case he wasn't sincere in his intentions. I couldn't let myself fall for him, only to have my heart shattered when he decided he actually did prefer to be with women. I was the first guy he'd ever been with and that first time was under duress. If I hadn't gotten pregnant, then we wouldn't even be in this situation. He would have walked out of my life after that op and I never would have seen him again.

My heart clenched at that thought. I'd always been fascinated with Bakugou, and I didn't know what to do. The thought of never seeing him again was painful and I didn't know if it was me or my hormones talking. I couldn't tell the difference. I could feel him through our bond, but I couldn't detect his emotions. My own were so chaotic and conflicting, I wouldn't know if they were only my feelings or being amplified by his. I crept down the stairs in my pants and one of his shirts, holding my shoes in one hand and my phone in the other. I'd already ordered an uber to come get me and take me back to my place. I just needed some time to think.

I knew that the second he came after me, I'd cave. I'd run behind him like a happy little omega. I wouldn't be able to help myself. Secretly, I wanted to. I wanted him to take away my choice so I wouldn't be so conflicted. I wanted to be able to just give myself to him without reservation. I wanted to start a family with him and not doubt that he truly cared about me. But as much as I wish I were different sometimes, that wasn't the type of omega I was. No. It would be better to take some time away and try to protect my heart.

When I was notified that the uber had pulled up, I quietly made my way out the door and got in the car. I didn't make small talk with the friendly driver, choosing to stare out of the window instead. The father away I got, the worse I began to feel. I focused on taking deep breaths and not being sick until we pulled up to my apartment. I gave the driver a tip, then stumbled my way out of the car before puking my guts out on the sidewalk. When I was done, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and slowly made it up to my apartment.

My bed was calling my name, so I stripped out of my pants and shoes and snuggled into the sheets. I lifted Bakugous shirt to my nose so I could inhale his scent. The effect was instant. With the scent of caramel teasing my senses, I was able to drift off to sleep.


When I woke, my stomach was both cramping from hunger and rolling so much I didn't know if I could eat anything. I let out a groan as I sat up, rubbing my eyes groggily. I didn't know if I should attempt to or let my stomach settle first. Even the thought of food caused my stomach to lurch and I was suddenly rushing to the bathroom. I made it just in time to heave into my toilet. When my stomach didn't even have any bile left, I lay panting on the floor, skin flushed, and tears streaming from my eyes.

Being pregnant was miserable. Why did anyone do this willingly? I curled into a ball, clutching my stomach. I wanted to go back to Bakugous. Even if he didn't actually care about me, his arms wrapped around me would make me feel better right now. I didn't know if I could actually do this alone, but I knew I didn't want to. I wanted Bakugou with me. Fresh tears fell from my eyes. What had I been thinking to leave? I was a coward. I should have stayed to talk him about my fears. Instead, I'd run away without giving him a chance to really explain. So now I was miserable and alone. And I was probably going to die on my bathroom floor. How did people do this?

I mustered the energy to make it to my kitchen where I grabbed a bottle of water and a box of crackers. Then I plunked myself down on my comfy microfiber couch and turned on my tv. I pulled up my Netflix account and decided to binge on some forensic files. I found the science side of police work really interesting. I was able to eat a few crackers and drink down the bottle of water before I felt myself drifting off again.


Pounding on my door woke me sometime later. I sat up with a groan. What time was it? I rubbed my bleary eyes and tried to figure out why I woke up. The pounding started at the door again. It sounded like someone was trying to break in, the way they were beating against it. It must be important.

"Be right there."

I stumbled my way to the door on shaky legs, glad to find that I wasn't feeling quite so nauseous this time around. I was so out of it that I didn't think about the fact that I was dressed only in Bakugous shirt. But at least it was big enough on me that it came to mid thigh. I swung open my door, and there he was. My heart started pounding in my chest and I swayed towards him involuntarily. I clutched the door frame as I took in his messy blonde hair and narrowed crimson eyes. His mouth was pulled down in a frown and his hands were clenched into fists. His whole body screamed that he was angry. The swirl of his pheromones reached out and gripped me and I barely managed not to whimper. I needed to stay strong.

"Bakugou, what are you doing here?"

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