Chapter 14

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When I woke up to an empty bed, pain hit me hard in the chest. I had to take deep breaths to remind myself it wasn't physical pain I was feeling. I couldn't believe he'd actually left me. I thought after last night that he understood how sorry I was. But obviously we weren't on the same page. How the fuck could he run away like that? I thought omegas were weak and once they were claimed, they couldn't be without their alpha. Deku was throwing all my expectations out the window. No, he was setting them on fire and dancing on the ashes. I didn't know what to think. Everything I thought I knew about omegas wasn't true for him.

A smile lifted my lips. He was perfect. I had been resigned to having an omega in my life because I'd already claimed him and I wasn't the type to shirk my duties. But Deku didn't behave like a regular omega. He didn't cower in my presence and he didn't whine until he got his way. He met my fire with his own. He was brave and strong. And he was mine. He didn't know it yet, but Deku was my idea of perfection. I never thought I'd meet someone so perfect for me. I'd just have to show him I meant it.

I couldn't let him get away from me. He was my perfect match so I couldn't let anyone else have him. I may not be the nicest alpha there was, but I was his alpha and that's what mattered. Now I just needed to track down my wayward omega. Where would he have gone? After placing a few phone calls, I got his address, and made my way there. Since I wasn't undercover anymore, I took my 2008 dodge charger. It took almost an hour to drive from my house to Deku's apartment. He lived in one of those dinky little omega only apartments. It seemed well kept but there were no security measures at all. That wouldn't do. My omega needed to be protected. He'd just have to move in with me. That decided, I made my way to his apartment and knocked on the door. When no one answered right away, my knocks became more insistent. Finally, the door opened.

He was wearing my shirt. That was the first thought that ran through my mind after he opened the door. The second was that he looked adorable in it. It hung off one shoulder and hit him mid thigh. That, coupled with his tousled curls and sleepy eyes gave him a freshly sexed look that made me want to toss him down on the floor and have my way with him right then. But he also had dark circles under his eyes and his skin was a bit paler than normal which had me a little concerned. My omega hadn't had a good night without me. That was proof enough that I he should stay with me. My protective instincts welled up and urged me to take care of him.

"What are you doing here?"

He didn't sound very happy to see me. When he swayed on his feet I reached out to grab him, easily lifting him into my arms. He remained stiff for all of two seconds before sighing and relaxing into me. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch, cuddling Deku in my lap. I looked around the room while absentmindedly rubbing circles on his back. HIs apartment was small, but tidy. Nice plush couch, with a coffee table in front of it. Medium sized tv mounted on the wall. I could see the tiny kitchen from where I was sitting and two doors adjacent each other. A bedroom and bathroom most likely.

I noticed and empty bottle of water on the coffee table and an opened package of crackers which only had a few missing. I felt my eyes turn down in a frown. Was that all he'd eaten? That couldn't be good for the baby. Shit! The baby! Had I been too rough last night and that's why he left? Was he concerned I'd hurt the baby?



"Was I too rough last night? Is that why you left?"

"What?! No! I swear! I just... I needed to think. And I can't. Think that is. I can't think when you're close. I get all confused. And I don't know what I'm feeling and what's instincts. And I'm sorry. And I shouldn't have run. I should have just talked to you. But I didn't know. I mean this was all and accident. And you're not even gay, you know? So then I heard you talking to Kirishima and I panicked I guess. I don't know. I didn't know what to think. So I ran. And I'm sorry. It definitely wasn't about last night though, ok? I don't want you to think that. And I just.."

I silenced him with a finger to his lips. Holy Fuck! I didn't know what to make of what he'd just said. He'd said so much in such a short time. The rambling was cute though. A chuckle rumbled out of my chest as I hugged Deku to me. He was definitely going to make my life interesting. I felt him smile against my chest as he nuzzled against me. A smirk pulled at my lips. I hadn't had an omega for long but I think I was doing a damn good job so far.

"First things first, you're moving in with me. I need to make sure you and the baby are ok. I don't know a damn thing about babies though, so you'll have to tell me what you need. Now, are you hungry?"

Deku leaned back from me and gave me a beaming smile. His green eyes sparkled and my chest filled with warmth at having brought such a smile to his face.

"Yes, Alpha. And I'm a little hungry but I don't know if I can eat. I can't seem to hold anything down."

Pride thrummed through my veins when he called me Alpha. I wasn't a typical alpha asshole that demanded everyone who wasn't an alpha call me Alpha. I didn't need that deference to be shown to me. I knew that I was a strong and capable alpha so others telling me all the time didn't mean a damn thing to me. But hearing Deku say it? Having my omega call me Alpha? Yeah, that did something to me. But feeding him had to come before showing him what he did to me. I kissed the top of his forehead before depositing him on the couch to find some food for him.

I had no clue what pregnant omegas were supposed to eat, but if he was having trouble holding food down then maybe something bland. We'd start off with some oatmeal and see how he did with that. When I looked in his cupboards and fridge and only found processed foods I almost lost my cool. I took a deep calming breath and blew it out slowly. Yeah... My omega definitely needed to come stay with me. I'd take care of him.

"Get dressed Deku. We're going to the store and then back to my place."

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