Chapter 5

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I strode ahead of him, practically stomping my feet. I knew I was glaring at all the people in front of me, but I couldn't help myself. I was just so irritated. Freaking Bakugou! Stupid alpha! Thinking he was better than any one not an alpha. I hated alphas like him! I came to an abrupt stop outside of the station. This was his case. I didn't even know where I was going. I clenched my fists and took a deep breath before turning around.

Bakugou was leaning against the wall next to the door of the station. He had his arms crossed and a smirk on his smug face. I wanted to hit him in his too perfect face. His crossed arms emphasized his broad shoulders and impressive chest. I could just imagine his abdominals were equally as perfect as the rest of him. It was aggravating. What was my fascination with him? Other than how
perfectly he was formed and his luscious scent. He quirked one of those blonde brows at me and waited.

"I don't actually know where we're going."

I hated having to admit that to him. He already thought omegas were useless. I wanted to show him I'd be an asset, not a liability.

"Listen Deku. Toshinori says you're the best he has to offer. That remains to be seen. But from here on out, you obey me without question. You will be the perfect submissive omega. Do I make myself clear?"

He made me want to scream, but I could only nod in agreement. He knew these criminals better than I did. They were most likely the type that hated omegas to speak considering what kind of criminals they were. Anyone involved in human trafficking was bound to be awful. I hoped I could do what he wanted. I'd never had to play the submissive omega before. I'd always just been myself.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Well first things first, I need to get you the appropriate clothing. We can't have you looking like an upstanding citizen. Then you follow my lead. Don't talk back, just do what they tell you. These are the type that will shoot first and ask questions later. I'll try to keep damage to a minimum but I can't afford to look weak or treat you different than the rest of the merchandise. Once we find out who the boss is we can find evidence against him and put the lot of them away. Until then, just follow orders."

What was I getting myself into? I started to wonder if I'd actually be able to handle this. I followed him silently as he hailed a cab, which took us to a thrift store. I held my tongue as he looked through racks of clothing and held them against my body before shaking his head. After a few minutes of this he finally picked something out and tossed it to me.

"Go try these."

I took the clothes with a grimace and went into the dingy little changing room they had for trying on clothes. I heard a phone ring and his deep voice as he answered. That rough voice sent tingles down my spine. For once he didn't sound angry. He actually sounded happy as struck up a conversation with whoever had called him. I wondered if it was a girlfriend then immediately tossed out that thought. It wasn't my business. I pulled on the torn jeans he'd handed me, having to work to get them past my thighs.

They were much tighter than I was used to and clung to my thighs and butt. A glance in the mirror showed them hugging me indecently and I saw a blush appear on my cheeks. I'd never worn anything like this before. I quickly changed into the shirt he'd handed me and gasped. The material was practically see through and when I turned a certain way, my nipples were visible through the fabric. I wanted to cover myself, but stepped out of the room instead.

Bakugou had a smile on his lips as he talked but his eyes immediately narrowed when they saw me. It was obvious whoever he was talking to was someone he liked. He only been angry this whole time we'd been together. I wished I could bring out the same kind of smile.

"I'll have to let you go, Kiri. Working on a case right now. But as soon as I've got it wrapped up, we should get together. Uh huh. Yep. Sounds good. Talk to ya later."

"You're still friends with Kirishima?"

He looked surprised at my question. It was nice to see something besides anger or disgust when he looked at me.

"You know Kiri?"

"We did go to the same high school remember? I'm sure anyone who has ever met Kirishima would remember him. I remember his spiky red hair and how he was always going on about being 'manly'. It was strange that he was only a beta."

"Yeah, I'm still friends with him. And he still has that shitty hair."

The smile that had just formed on his lips abruptly turned into a frown. His eyes flicked over my outfit and I remembered I was dressed like a cross between a homeless person and a prostitute. I barely refrained from covering myself, standing completely still for his perusal. Bakugou grabbed the clothes I had been wearing and bundled them into one hand. He then walked up to the counter and handed over some cash to the clerk. I followed him back out of the store where he hailed another cab.

"Remember to do as I say. Your life and mine, depends on it."

He pulled a phone from his pocket that was different than the one he'd been talking on. He hit a button and then waited for a response.

"I got him. Now what? Really? Now? Be there soon."

He put the phone back in his pocket and pulled out his previous one. He smashed it into pieces and stuck the pieces under his seat. I was startled and look at him with wide eyes.

"Thought I'd have time to go back to my place but he wants to meet now. You have anything on you that will identify you?"

I shook my head. I was surprised things were moving so fast. I took a deep breath and settled into the seat. I could do this. I couldn't stand to let these men get away with their crimes. About an hour later we pulled up to a seedy hotel. I wanted to ask what the plan was, but I didn't know if we were being watched. Bakugou opened the door on his side and roughly dragged me out behind him. I barely remembered not to protest. I had to play the meek omega.

He dragged me along behind him until he got to room 107, where he knocked twice then four times. The door opened to show a blonde haired guy of medium height. He peeked around us, and when he saw that no one was there besides us, he opened up the door. He closed the door behind us and I noticed there was another guy in the room. He was much shorter, just a little taller than I was, and all smiles. Bakugou turned to the blonde man with a scowl on his face.

"Hazukashi? What the fuck is going on here? Thought I was going to meet the boss?"

The blonde guy strode past us and sat at the table next to the queen bed in the room. He gestured at the bed with a raised brow. Bakugou tossed me down on the bed and stood next to it, looming over me. It wasn't hard to show fear, because in that moment I was scared. I don't think this meeting was going as he'd planned.

"It has come to our attention that you don't really participate in our fun, Bakuhoe. It makes us wonder if you're really who you say you're are. We're wondering if we can trust you. So we have a little test for you. If you pass then you get to meet the boss. If you fail, we'll kill you. Simple."

The guy called Hazukashi smiled, then pulled out a gun and aimed it right for Bakugou. The blood froze in my veins as I tried not to panic. A small whimper left my throat and I curled up a little on the bed. Part in acting, but honestly I was terrified. Bakugou remained calm and collected though. Only raising his own eyebrow and crossing his arms.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You're going to fuck this omega. That will be prove to us that you are who you say you are."

Shit! I hadn't signed on for this. What were we going to do? We were so fucked!

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