Chapter 20

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I watched as Dekus cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He must have completely forgotten that Kiri had been at the door before he went upstairs. I felt the baby kick against my hand again and felt my heart squeeze painfully. My omega was amazing. Even though this pregnancy was causing his emotions to be all over the place, I wouldn't change a thing.

Deku turned to face Kiri, giving him a somewhat awkward greeting. I chose that moment to grab him by the hips and kiss his mating mark. He shivered and let out a little whimper before giving an embarrassed squawk. He smacked me in the abs and jumped away from me. I only laughed at him as he scurried away from me.

"I'm so sorry Kirishima. I forgot you were here. I was just so excited. The baby kicked for the first time. And I just wanted Kacchan to feel it. I mean, I knew I was pregnant already. But it's one thing to know it and another to know it, you know? Oh where are my manners, would you like something to drink. Oh, wait, you already have something. Oh god, I'm a horrible host. Please for give me. I'll just-"

"Shut up, Deku. Its fine. Go sit at the table and I'll get things plated."

I smirked as Deku blushed again then hurried over to the table. He really was adorable, especially when he was nervous. But there was no reason to be nervous right now. Kiri was the least judgmental person I knew. He was extremely friendly and he'd love Deku because I did. I looked over at Kiri to find him giving Deku a considering look. Probably trying to figure out why he was such a ball of nerves. My lips rose in a smirk. If he ever figured Deku out, he'd have to let me in on the secret.

"Come on, Kiri. Help me grab this food."

We all sat around the table enjoying a feast of roasted chicken and potatoes with a fresh garden salad. It wasn't anything gourmet like I would have done, but it was still cooked perfectly. I knew I had a smug grin on my face as Kiri exclaimed over the food and Deku blushed more trying to accept the compliment.

"This is so good. Almost as good as Bakugous!"

"Well, not everyone can be a perfectionist like Kacchan."

"Oh no! I definitely meant that as a compliment. Its really good I swear!"

"Both of you are ridiculous. Of course it's good. Wouldn't expect anything less of my mate."

Deku blushed again but gazed at me with adoring eyes. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but I couldn't get the words out. I don't know what was stopping me. I wasn't good with emotions but I should still be able to tell my omega how I felt. I hoped he could see what I felt, even if I couldn't speak the words. I watched as Deku and Kiri carried on an animated conversation with a small smile. This was how it should be. My mate and my best friend laughing and getting along.

"Did Bakubro ever tell you the story of how people used to call him a Pomeranian?"

"What!? No! Tell me!"

Kiri immediately launched into the stupid tale that Deku ate up with a wide-eyed expression. He was giggling by the time Kiri finished.

"Yeah, and that's why he hates dogs to this day."

Deku's face fell and he looked up a with watery eyes. I felt my heart clench tight as the sadness in his expression. Unconsciously, my pheromones leaked out to comfort him. I couldn't stand for my omega to be hurting.

"You hate dogs? I'm sorry, Kacchan. I didn't know. We don't have to get a dog."

He sounded so dejected. I couldn't stop myself from going to his side and wiping the tears from his eyes. He nuzzled into my hand and let out a sigh.

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