•C H A P T E R 21•

64 3 0

C A I D E N ' S P O V

We were now back in California, we didn't want to leave at all. I mean, we did make some nice memories there.

Prom was coming up in a few months and I had already asked Kylie if she wanted to go with me. I had taken her out to dinner and after that we went to the fair near downtown. I had arranged for them to put up this big sign saying 'PROM', so when we reached the top of the Ferris wheel the sign lit up. Of course she said yes.

Anyways, she was coming over later tonight so we could pick out my outfit for the party. Right now I was having dinner with my dad, Jenna and Jeremiah. I couldn't keep the smile of my face, that trip had me in the best mood ever. I think they all noticed by the stares they were giving me.

"So how was your weekend?" my dad asked as he placed his fork down. I looked up as I put my drink down and leaned against the chair.

"Uh... it was great" I said as I felt my cheek heat up a little, memories from that night flooding my head.

"What did you guys do?" Jenna asked causally. Everyone in the table had stopped eating and were now staring at me. I felt harassed.

"Well nothing, we swam in the lake you know.. stuff" I said shrugging. They nodded and carried on with dinner. I began playing with the peas in my plate arranging them into rows and eating them slowly.

"So how are you and Kylie?" I heard Jeremiah's voice.

In snapped my head towards his direction and shrugged.

"We are good... great actually. That trip was really needed" I said and sighed "and after that night" I stopped abruptly as I noticed what I had just revealed. Technically I hadn't said anything to promising but they weren't stupid. They knew what it meant. Their eyes just proved that.

"Oh my god.. you guys had the 'S' word" Jenna exclaimed. I slapped myself in the face and closed my eyes. This situation was quite embarrassing. My dad, my mom and Jeremiah asking me about my first night with Kylie, I hadn't expected this to come up. It was my fault though for always talking to much.

"Please tell me it wasn't in my room" dad murmured. I smiled at him and shrugged.

"Sorry dad" I muttered. He groaned and everyone in the table laughed -including me. I quickly changed the subject and continued eating my steak as the conversation carried on.

"Babe" I said. Kylie hummed in response as she wrote something down on her paper. I put the blue tie in front of me making sure it matched the suit. Hopefully this will match Kylie's dress or else she would kill me.

"So I might have told my dad we had sex" I said looking at her through the mirror. She looked up from her book wide eyed.

"Caiden!" She scolded.


"That's personal!"

"I know it slipped" I defended smirking. She groaned and glared at me.

"You love me" I told her meeting her eyes.

"Pf yeah right" she lied as she laid back down on my bed. I threw the tie back on the couch and began taking off my blazer and shirt.

"I know you're obsessed with me" I said as I laid down next to her wrapping my arms around her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes hiding her smile.

"Cocky bastard" she muttered.

"mm, what was that? Something about my cock" I teased. She pushed me away and I laughed. I brought her closer to me once again and closed my eyes as I felt pain strike my head.

Bad boy: Bullied and lovedWhere stories live. Discover now