•C H A P T E R 4•

87 5 0

C A I D E N ' S P O V

Today was one of my lucky days, Aaron and his pack had decided to ditch to school so I was safe for now. Hopefully I could get through the day without getting punched, kicked or yelled at. I walked past my locker and put my head down as I read the words.


The janitor always cleaned it up but they would just put it back up there. I told Jimmy to stop cleaning it up, it didn't bother me as much anymore. I walked inside my algebra class and sat on the back right on the corner. I plugged in my earphones and just got lost in the music.

"Caiden come here please" I heard the teacher say snapping me out of my thoughts. I put my phone away and walked towards her. Everyone was doing their work or chatting so the attention wasn't on my which I was grateful for.

I noticed Kylie next to her holding a book and her perfect dark brows arched. I stood in front of her.

"Yes ms. Donovan" I murmured quietly. She smiled up at me and put all the papers she was grading away.

"So Caiden, you're one of my best students and Kylie here is having trouble, big trouble. So I was gonna ask you if you could tutor her after school, I'll write that recommendation you asked me for your college scholarship" she said as she held her smile. I looked up at Kylie and waited for her to say something rude at me but she just smiled a little and stayed silent.

"Umm y-yeah sure" I muttered and ran my palm on my chin.

"Great thank you very much" she said and motioned for is to sit back down. Kylie sat next to me which actually surprised me. I looked around making sure Aaron wasn't around. I didn't care if I got beaten up, I cared about Kylie and he safety. She couldn't go through this too. This is no living, it just isn't.

"Kylie you can back down if you want, I don't want Aaron to hurt you because you're talking to me" I said and she just laughed.

"He can't touch me, my dad would ruin him don't worry about it" she said as she placed the heavy book on her desk.

"So your house or mine?" She asked.

"We can go to mine, my parents are barely home so we have more freedom" I said and she nodded her head. She stared at me for a while and smiled "you have pretty eyes" she murmured. I looked at her with wide eyes and felt my cheeks blushing. I never blushed, not for anyone or anything.

"Uh thanks, you too" I said nervously as I scratched the back of my neck. She giggled before standing up.

"Come on, the bell already rang" she commented as she grabbed her stuff. I looked around and noticed the class almost empty and the students walking out. I took everything I needed and followed Kylie keeping my head down.

"I'll see you after school" she murmured as we stood in front of her class that just happened to be next mine. I nodded my head and saw her as she entered the room. I sighed and smiled before walking to my class myself.

"You live here!?" She asked as she looked up at my house. I nodded my head laughing at her reaction.

"This is like the parliament" she murmured and I just rolled my eyes a smile on my face. I liked how I could be myself around Kylie, I didn't have to be so shy anymore. It was just like before, but this time I wasn't a jerk anymore. I was Caiden.

I unlocked my door and letted her in. I then heard little yet loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Thiago was running at full speed towards us. I threw my bag on the floor and welcomed my dog almost carrying him. He licked my cheek and I laughed as his tongue tickled my skin. He then went up to Kylie and held up his paw as he stood in two of his legs.

Bad boy: Bullied and lovedWhere stories live. Discover now