•C H A P T E R 6•

71 4 0

C A I D E N ' S P O V

I woke up feeling dizzy and my head pounding. I opened my eyes and looked around taking in all my surroundings. I was in my room, I just wondered how I had gotten here. I then felt someone in my arms, I look down and saw her. Kylie laid there next to me her head resting on my shoulder. Kylie's hair covered her forehead and her right cheek.

I never imagined she would be here, with me. I honestly didn't expect anyone to care for me. I smiled down at her as I tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead softly.

"Kylie" I murmured as I shook her. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up at me. She then sat up and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me as she checked my face.

"I'm fine, what happened? How did I get here?" I asked as I sat up and laid my back against the wooden head of my bed.

"I took you here and Jeremiah helped me bring you up" she explained. I then felt something tickling my arm.
I looked down and noticed Thiago sleeping in between us. I laughed and so did Kylie.

"Caiden" she murmured this time getting serious. I looked up at her not knowing what to expect.

"This needs to stop, they almost killed you yesterday" she said and I sighed. Not this again... I knew, this wasn't right. I mean when is bullying someone okay. Not even I did that, and I was a dick. I do admit that. Aaron had just gone to another level.

"Kylie I'm fine, I'll fight my own battles alone" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Really? You're fine, because this proves me that you're not" she said as she took my arm and flipped it so you could see all my scars. I pulled my sleeve down and groaned.

"I don't want you to end up like Marisa" she muttered. Marisa was another girl at school that was constantly being harassed by Miranda, until one day she couldn't take it anymore and jumped out of the school building. That was in the middle of our soft more year where my nightmare has just begun.

I had thought about ending my life many, many times but never actually did it. I just thought about my future and kept on going.

Kylie then sat on my lap and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her fragile body and rested my chin on top of her head softly.

I was so tired of living. Everyday I tried to find some kind of motivation that I thought was actually worth living for but nothing came. Just more bullying, more violence. I used to be hopeful, I hoped that all this will go away. That this was just a phase in high school but it never stopped, it got worse to the point I wanted to drive a gun to my mouth and pull the trigger.

I felt something cold and wet roll down my cheek and before I knew it, I was crying. This was the first time in years I had letted a tear fall. I refused. But I couldn't take it, my mind was weak now. I quickly wiped it away not wanting Kylie to see me crying.

I wanted to show her that I was a man, strong and brave. But we were allowed to cry sometimes. We were human, just because we had dicks didn't mean we didn't have feelings, that it didn't hurt.

Kylie then wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She buried her face in my neck and tighten her grip.

"It'll be okay... someday" she murmured.

Those words gave me hope, comfort. I guess sometimes all you need is a hug from someone. Anyone.


"Jump or I'll throw you myself" I yelled as I ran after Kylie in my backyard. I had asked her to stay with me for today and she had agreed. We had eaten breakfast, showered and now we were playing outside on the pool. She wore a pair of shorts I had when I was in freshman year -those were the only ones that fitted her- and a black shirt that looked huge on her. She looked even better wearing my clothes which made me happy.

Hanging out with her, being around Kylie made everything better.

"Get away from me!" She shouted giggling. I picked up my pace and soon enough I was inches away from her. When she noticed I was right behind her she let out a squeal. I laughed loudly as I heard her gasp just when I lifted her up. She had her arms around my neck as she looked down at the water.

"Caiden no please!" She pleaded. I smirked at her and pretended that I was gonna throw her. She screamed and I laughed loudly still holding her in my arms.

"Got any last words?" I asked as I walked towards the edge of the pool getting closer and closer.

"No Caiden pl--" just when she was about to finish her sentence I jumped inside the pool with her. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her face. It was priceless. Her forehead was covered by her, both of is obviously soaking wet.

"Caiden!" She yelled as she swam towards me. I began to swim away and she just chased after me. I then went under the water and waited for her. The water was so clear I could see her perfectly from above, I was surprised she hadn't noticed me. I pulled her down by the legs and then brought her up back up with my arms around her.

"I'm gonna get sick and it's gonna be your fault" she said as she punched my shoulder playfully. I smirked. I couldn't ignored the feelings I got every time I touched her. I got this tingly sensation in my fingers, and for some reason just seeing her brought a smile to my face.

I had never experienced this before. Kylie for me was just gorgeous, she was so perfect and kind. I was starting to develop strong feelings for her and I didn't don't wether to be scared or not. The feeling was good so I ignored my negative thoughts and embraced it.

"Let's play Marco Polo" she suggested.

"Okay, go" I said as I took my hands off her waist. She smiled as she began swimming to the other side. I closed my eyes and counted up to twenty out loud.

"Marco!" I yelled as I moved around my hands flying everywhere.

"Polo!" I heard her voice far in the distance. This is the kind if moments where I hated that this pool was so god damn big. This game was gonna take a while.

Bad boy: Bullied and lovedWhere stories live. Discover now