•C H A P T E R 13•

77 4 0

C A I D E N ' S P O V

I hit the punching back so hard it fell to the ground with a loud thud. I actually felt like Steve Rogers from Captain America. I had been practicing on my strength for weeks now. I was determined, when the time was right I would stand up to Aaron and show him that I wasn't scared anymore. That he couldn't push me around when he pleased.

"Yeah! Go babe!" Kylie exclaimed as she jumped up and down. Did I mention that Kylie was my personal trainer? Well that's what she thought. She just sat in a chair and watched me all day, cheering me and making me laugh. For me, she was more like an inspiration.

The reason I was so determined to crush Aaron was because I wanted to be able to walk in the school's hallways without being scared to hold my girlfriends hand. I just wanted to show everyone that Kylie was mine and only mine.

"Alright time for the real fight" she said as she stood up on the chair and held her hands up turning them into fists. I smiled and went along with it. I held my fists up and stood there in a defensive position, the smirk never leaving me.

"Come at me bro" she said in an attempt to make a manly voice. I laughed and pretended to throw a punch. Kylie squealed and threw herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I laughed as I catch her.

"Ew you're all sweaty" she said she wiped my hair away from my forehead. I kissed her cheek before I heard the glass door opening along a squeaking noise. I looked over Kylie's shoulder to see my dad standing next to Jeremiah, both of them with smiles on their faces.

They were so glad to see me happy. My dad had met Kylie a couple of days ago, right after our date. I had presented her officially as my lovely girlfriend and my dad of course had loved her. He knew that she made me happy and he was thankful for that, so was Jeremiah.

Kylie turned her head and waved at them grinning.

"Come on, enough romance for today. Lunch is ready guys" my dad yelled. Kylie and I laughed as I put her down again. Before entering the house I took of my shirt and we both washed our hands. Kylie looked at my chest and sighed as she saw some of the scars I had gotten. I pinched her cheek softly and put on a clean white t-shirt on.

We then sat down on the table and joined my dad and Jeremy.

"Hey Kylie, what do you plan to do after high school?" my dad asked as he cut his steak. Kylie drank some of her coke before answering.

"I'm not sure yet, I've always like fashion so I want to start my own clothing line. But I don't know... It's pretty pointless though" she said as she looked down. I took her hand.

"It's not pointless" I said and my dad nodded his head.

"Caiden's right, you should follow your dreams kiddo. They lead to good places very often" he said. I smiled at my dad and so did Kylie.

"Thank you Mr. Higgins"

"Adam, Kylie call me Adam" he said as he flashed a smile. Kylie nodded her head and we all continued eating.

I parked the car behind a building two blocks away from school. There were just a few people walking around, all of them around the age of fifty. I sighed as I looked over at Kylie.

"I don't like doing this, it doesn't feel right" I said as I laid back down on my sit frowning so hard that I thought I might actually get wrinkles.

"I know Cay, but remember why we are doing it. It's just for a couple of weeks until you show him not to mess with you anymore" she said as she unbuckled her seat.

Bad boy: Bullied and lovedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu