•C H A P T E R 1•

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C A I D E N ' S P O V

The sound of my dreaded alarm filled my room with it's annoying noise. I grumbled as I threw my covers to the other side still refusing to open my eyes. The blinds were as usual opened so the light of the sun shining through it wasn't really helping anyone. Jenna, my step mother would always opened them when she went to work just to make sure I didn't end falling asleep.

I stumbled my way towards the bathroom and turned the lights on. I looked at my reflection on the mirror and sighed. My dark hair was all over my forehead almost touching my brows. My dark blue eyes were barely visible since my long eye lashes hid them. When I was fully awake you could see them perfectly but right now I was practically coming back from the dead.

Let's just say staying up into 3am watching all the episodes you missed on your favorite series will do something to you. I had bags under my eyes but really didn't care.

Hoping to light up a little I stripped my clothes throwing them on the pile growing on the corner, got inside the shower and welcomed the cold water. I wasn't a morning person and anyone who was close to me would know that. When I was in the shower I started thinking what the day will bring. Truth is I was scared of going to school, I used to not care but after the accident everything changed.

Enough of this depressing thoughts. I splashed my face with the water before turning it off and getting out once again. I dried myself off and placed the white fluffy towel around my waist. I then opened my dresser and took out the first outfit that I saw. Dark blue tee that somehow made my muscles look bigger -hopefully it will help me today... yeah, highly doubt it- khakis shorts that reached my knees and a pair of dark vans. We were just starting school, right in the middle of September. It was really hot outside so I usually picked my 'summer' clothes for days like this.

I could care less if I looked good or not. I stopped caring a long time ago. I glanced at my clock hanging on the left side of my room and groaned. I had about ten minutes left before school started.

The building was about six blocks away and if I wasn't running late I would just walk but today was one of
those days I would have to use my car. I ran downstairs and grabbed the keys to my Mercedes Benz. I had gotten this car for my seventeenth birthday, my dad had bought it.

I threw my backpack on my shoulder and my gym bag, I would probably hang out there for a while after school. I got on my car and smiled as I touched the leather seat. This had been the car of my dreams and since I had gotten such good grades that year my dad rewarded me with it.

I don't usually drive it though, too scared that they will say something to me at school.. I don't know.

I hummed to the song playing on the radio as I drove to my school.

I parked on the small cafe in front of the old brick building and got out holding my backpack on my hand. Students walked around heading towards their classes. I checked my phone and realized the bell had already rang. I hurried to my class keeping my head down as I passed the football teammates. Just when I thought I was saved a strong arm pushed me back and yanked me against the lockers. I bit my lip trying not to yell at the dick standing in front of me.

Aaron O'Connor. The school's 'bad boy', that's what the girls called him. Please, for me he was the biggest dick on the face of this earth. He smirked at me as he kept his hand on my shoulder.

"What's up Higgins? Got anything for me today?" He asked as his mates surrounded him chuckling and smirking at the scene. The bell rang one last time meaning class had already started, the hallways were empty now. Well even if there was people around they wouldn't help me. I mean, no one ever did.

"Give me your lunch money" he said and I tried my hardest to hold back my laughter. What is this, kindergarten. He was the schools bad boy? This is ridiculous.

I still had to obey him though. I drove my hand to my pocket and took out the only dollar bill I had in there. I handed it to him and he laughed.

"$100 bucks, man this must be my lucky day" he said as he placed them on his wallet. I rolled my eyes at him, bad idea. Aaron furrowed his eyebrows clearly angry at me now. He drove his fist back before it collided with my jaw. The others came and gave me a few kicks too before walking away laughing.

One more year Caiden, one more.

I kept repeating on my head as I stood up and made my way to my English class. I was thankful that I had Mr. Andrew, he was like my father here at school. He knew what was happening and he would always give me advice.

I sighed as I opened the door and stepped inside. I felt 26 pairs of eyes piercing through my skin. Andrew looked up from the board and sighed when he saw me. I'm sure I had a bruise forming in my chin, it was visible. He placed the marker down and turned to face the class.

"I'll be right outside" he said as he walked towards me and led me outside. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes as I tried to keep on a straight face. I had had enough.

"What happened now?" He asked when the door closed. I opened my eyes again and found him standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I just shook my head and put my hands inside my pocket.

"Aaron" I murmured and he nodded his head, immediately understanding.

"Why don't you go home Caiden, I'll excuse you from today" he said and I nodded my head. There was nothing I wanted more than to go home. I was already tired, my ribs were hurting.

"Go, I'll talk to your teachers" he said and when he was about to open the door I hugged him. He was the only one that had been there with me for three years. My dad was barely home because he had to work a lot. He was the owner of one of the biggest companies in the world. I guess it didn't really matter, it gave us money, shelter and food. Though I did prefer hanging out with my dad, he didn't even know what was happening.

"You can do this Caiden" Andrew said as he patted my back. I nodded my head even tho I really doubted it. I felt like I was gonna break down at any moment. It's just that... there's so much a person can take without falling down.

Bad boy: Bullied and lovedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz