•C H A P T E R 3•

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C A I D E N ' S P O V

When I got home I climbed to my room with the ladder hidden under a bush trying my best to avoids my stepmom and Jeremiah, our butler. As soon as I reached my window I got inside my room and went straight to the bathroom. I cringed at my reflection. I had a bruise all over my cheek while in the other a scratch that I'm sure was gonna leave a scar.

My dark hair was now brown thanks to all the dirt accumulated in it. I swear it, on my mothers grave that one day I'll make Aaron pay for everything he's done to me. I decided to take another shower, this time with hot water to relieve my muscles.

When I got out of the shower I changed into basketball shorts and sleeves shirt. I laid down in my bed and covered my head with a pillow. Memories of that night came flooding through my mind.


"So I got my eye on that new blond chick" Joe said as he devoured the last pack of chips we had just bought in the gas station. He then threw the bag at me and all the chips fell on my seat.

"Joe are you kidding me! This is my dad's car" I said as I tried to keep my eyes glued to the road while I cleaned up. He chuckled and then turned up the radio.

It was late at night, almost three in the morning. Joe and I were coming from one of Jason's parties. Joe was drunk as hell, me? I was perfectly fine. Since I had to drive I decided not to drink anything tonight. Which had me a little moody, I couldn't hook up today either. I mean if I ended up getting a girl pregnant I would just blame the alcohol.

I turned on the lights since the road back home was dark and deserted.

"I.... Because I left you and...yeah.... I'm never coming back!" Joe sang at the top of his lungs humming the sentences he didn't know. I laughed as I looked at him. He was using an empty bottle of tequila as a microphone. I rolled my eyes and continued driving.

I saw the yellow sign that read 'dead end' and knew that I had to make a left turn to get back into the city. When I turned the steering wheel I noticed another car making it's way towards us. I tried to dodge but it was way too fast. Everything happened so fast I barely registered what was going on. In the last moment I turned to the left and the car ended up hitting us anyways. Right where Joe was sitting.

End of flashback

I shot up from my bed covered in sweat and breathing heavily. My best friend, Joe had died three years ago. It was my fault, I should've see that car coming towards us. I knew I should've, the guilt was eating me alive. We had been friends since we were in our mom's belly, literally. We were so close, he wasn't my best friend. He was my brother. And I missed him like crazy.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water and took deep breaths before heading downstairs as quietly as possible and getting on my car. I checked that my gym bag with everything I needed was there and headed out. I'm sure Jeremiah noticed I was home since I had opened the gate twice today to come in and out, hell probably cover up for me. He's another father figure I have here at home.

I pulled up in front of the place and got out of the car throwing the bag on my shoulder. I entered, bought a bottle of water and then plugged my headphones as I started doing some sit ups to work on my abs.

Being in the gym and working out helped me cool off and clear my head when I needed it. That's why I was most of the time in here.

From the corner of my eye I saw a familiar girl with a silky long dark brown hair walking inside the placed filled with sweaty people. She came into the section I was in but didn't notice me. I smiled and began lifting weights increasing the soreness of my muscles more.

Bad boy: Bullied and lovedWhere stories live. Discover now