All Wounds Bleed the Same (Part 2)

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Swear word warning on line with *

I let out a high pitched squeak before clamping a hand over my mouth and stumbling back from the door on wobbly legs. No. It can't be. He can't be here. He can't. I tremble where I stand a couple feet from the door, the thin line of moonlight falling directly on me and the fresh air of the night mocking me with its tranquility while a storm kicks up inside me. I hold my breath, waiting for the door to be opened after the men heard my squeal, but it never happens. They must not have heard me.

"Willy Wonka," a garbled voice declares.

Doubt courses through me. It can't be him. I don't remember what my dad sounds like, so I can't tell if that's really him or not. I'd have to see him to know for sure. I creep closer to the door once again and put a tentative hand on the doorframe, the other hand trapped in my sling.

I hear a hiccup and someone stumbles. Then that new voice, "I'd be taller."

"And I thought you'd at least be sober," Will retorts. Sober? Is he drunk? My opinion of my father sinks even more if that's possible. "Then again, only a drunk would be dense enough to try to break into my factory." I hear someone stumble again and then a heavy sigh as someone slumps against the wall. "You didn't honestly think a billion quid factory wouldn't have security cameras, did you?"

That's what he was looking at on the tablet! Before, I couldn't imagine something that could make Will so mad and put that look of pure hatred in his eyes. Now, I understand. Anger boils in my stomach, and it's all I can do not to throw open the door and punch him square in the face.

"Thosssecurity camerasss don't matter. None of 'is mattersss," he slurs. I hear the other man take a few unsteady steps forward. Will takes a step back, and I catch a glimpse of his shirt. He's almost within sight!

* "You think I'm going to let you off the hook just like that? If so, you are sorely mistaken. It'll be a cold day in Hell when I let your sorry ass anywhere near my factory let alone inside," Will practically spits, disgust evident.

"Then you better buy the Devil sssome mittensss b'causss I am walking into thisss factory t'night...and you're gonna open the door for me." That little... I cover my mouth to stifle the noise that wants to explode from my lungs. He shuffles forward, and Will takes a large step backward. I can now see most of Will except his face because he's facing away from me. That's it! Just a little closer.

Will scoffs and folds his arms across his chest as he shakes his head. "And why would I do that?"

"Because..." More shuffling. I can tell my father's trying to get closer to Will, but Will doesn't let him. Will matches his every step, countering with a measured retreat. "Because of what I'm about to tell you."

Will backs up even farther and gets closer to the door in order to shield it from the advancing man. Little does he know, he's also shielding me from the man. One more step and I see the corner of a blue coat on a moderately tall figure.

Will finally stops retreating and my father comes all the closer. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, it's a wonder they can't hear it. Just as I'm about to glimpse his face, Will turns a fraction, right into my field of vision. He's in my way! I try standing on tiptoe, then getting lower, but it doesn't work. All I can see is a figure wearing black trousers, muddied trainers, and the blue coat I saw before.

My father gets in Will's face, and I see Will wave a hand in front of his face to clear the rancid breath the drunken man is expelling. "You want to know why you're going to let me in?" His tone has dropped, suddenly more serious and very aware. He doesn't sound slurred anymore, he sounds as sober as Will now. That's scary. He gets real close and whispers this next part. "You're going to let me in because...I'm Charlie's father!"

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