Coming Home (Part 2)

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I know you guys wanted to see Will freak out on Grandpa Joe, and I'm sorry to  disappoint, but I'm saving it for another time...just have patience. There's someone who really deserves Will's don't worry, I've got plans. 😉

     A gentle hand strokes my hair and I open my eyes to see a crackling fire in front of me. I must have fallen asleep or blacked out because I don't remember anything after Grandpa Joe accidentally sent me into a panic attack. It's not his fault, he doesn't know about everything I've one does. I shift a little to look around, and the arms holding me loosen to accommodate. I'm at home, but it's barren. We didn't have much, but the house looks so empty without the large bed in the center if the room and the dingy old stove in the corner.

     I twist around and look up. Will's holding me in his lap as we sit on the floor. He smiles reassuringly down at me and pulls his coat up higher around my shoulders. He rubs slow circles on my back and pulls me closer, but I pull away, sitting up. I scrub a hand across my face and pivot back and forth with bleary eyes.

     "Where's everyone gone?" There are no traces of Mum bustling around, no ringing of Charlie's laugh in the air, no whiff of stale old person on the breeze. I turn to the window, but I don't see the elevator outside. I yawn and fight the sleep still pulling at me.

     "I sent them ahead with your things, but don't worry! I can call the elevator back once they unload." He strokes my hair again and smiles sadly to himself. The fire crackles and throws tendrils of heat at me, almost as if it's trying to lull me back to sleep. "I thought it best we get some space...for both our sakes." I readjust so I'm facing the fire and lean back on his chest hesitantly. Is this the proper thing to do? I've never done this! Am I doing it right? Should I hold my own body weight? Should I even be laying back in the first place? I'm just so tired. Will doesn't mind, does he? I yawn again and my eyelids droop.

     I crane my neck to look up at Will, and he smiles at me as his arms reach around my small form slowly and come to a rest on my stomach. He keeps them loose so I don't panic, but it's reassuring having this kind of contact. It's warm and nice. Charlie's the only person I've had hugs from in years. Don't get me wrong, I'd never deny the kid a hug, but it's nice having someone take care of me. Wait! I don't need anyone to take care of me! I inhale sharply and try to sit up, but sleep takes me again and I drift off.

>< >< >< >< ><

     I guess a week of fitful sleep was bound to catch up with me at some point. I don't think I've had a sound night's rest since the factory. Since then, memories of Will and his words have haunted me every time there's a quiet moment alone for me to think. Every time I close my eyes, I see images of Will storming out of the house angrily. I see him waving his arms wildly when I defended my mom. I saw many other things too play across my eyelids that I hardly ever slept.

     There's something about Will though. Something about him that calms me, something that stills my mind and steadies my heart. Something that makes the world alright. When he's holding me, memories don't plague me. I can sleep peacefully without worrying about night terror phantoms or day terror patrons. He is safety. He is home.

     My eyes flutter open to see Will holding me for the third time today. I can't have been asleep long though. We're outside and Will is just setting me in the elevator while he tucks what looks like a silver dog-whistle into his back pocket. When he sees me awake, he smiles and plops down beside me with the elevator joystick.

     "I hope you're feeling better now, my little sleeping beauty?" he inquires, directing us off the ground. I assess myself and find that my shoulder doesn't hurt much, my arm is ok as long as I don't move it, and the pain in my head has petered to a dull throb.

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