You in the Back

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We wait while Mr. Wonka regains his composure and pulls out a cue card before reading off of it. "Dear guests, greetings! Welcome to the factory! I shake you warmly by the hand." He steps forward, hand outstretched, goofy grin on his face. He freezes and steps back awkwardly, seeing the unwelcoming looks on everyone else's faces. "My name is Willy Wonka." He gives a small bow and straightens with a proud smile. His eyes find mine and I see hope. He wanted a reaction and no one's giving it to him. I give a slight smile and clap my hands, not hard enough to make sound and alert everyone else to my gesture, just so he can see that I'm at least impressed.

Veruca narrows her eyes and says, "Then shouldn't you be up there?" She points to the seat on stage that's partially on fire.

"Well, I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could I, little girl?" That is a sound argument, makes sense to me. I laugh and Mr. Wonka throws me an appreciative glance. I tuck my hair behind my ear shyly and see Charlie looking puzzled at Mr. Wonka. I suppose he's too young to find that funny. I look around and see the other adults giving Mr. Wonka strange looks, as if he's deranged. I suppose they're too old to find that funny.

After another awkward second, Mr. Wonka speaks again. "Well, let's get a move on kids!" He turns on his heel and starts up the steps. "So much time and so little to see!" He comes to a dead stop. "Wait. Scratch that, reverse it." He moves on, not caring in the slightest that he's walking through the flaming remnants of his introductory project.

Due to said flaming remnants, we are forced to walk single file. Charlie and I end up getting stuck in the back, barely able to see Mr. Wonka. The German glutton takes a few quick steps and gets close beside Mr. Wonka.

"Don't you want to know all our names?" he asks in a thick accent.

Mr. Wonka doesn't even have to think before answering, "I can't see how it would matter." I force myself to contain the laugh that wants to burst from my lungs and pinch my wrist. "However..." Mr. Wonka stops walking and turns slowly, peering through everyone in front of us. They all turn and follow his gaze, landing on us. "You, there in the back. What's your name?"

So he finally realizes that Charlie is the only good kid here and should get the special prize, whatever it is. I put my hands on Charlie's shoulders and squeeze lightly. Mr. Wonka's looking at me, so I assume he wants me to answer, for whatever reason, and respond, "This is Charlie."

"No, no, no. Not the kid. You. What's your name?" He nods his chin at me.

I blink, startled and look down shyly. I glance up and see everyone's eyes on me. I can feel it coming. No, not now! Any other time, but not now! Memories, terrible memories of Nigel's gaze sweeping up and down my form swirl fresh in my head.

I'm not sure how much later, Charlie pokes me in the arm and I shake my head lightly to clear it. I can't imagine how long I was blank. It must have been so awkward, I blush and hastily wipe a tear from my cheek. "Dawn. My name is Dawn."

I see Mr. Wonka mouth Dawn, silently to himself. His eyes narrow and he spins back around and continues onward. Violet glares at me and I'm puzzled until I realize she's jealous! Of me. Of Mr. Wonka wanting to know my name. Of him taking interest in me.

No! He didn't take interest in you. He just wanted a name to attach his later complaints to. He didn't take interest in you. I chide myself. My heart contacts, I forget how mean I can be to myself sometimes. I just don't want to get my hopes up above anything realistic. I traipse after Charlie's bouncing form and hear the doors shut behind me.

We walk into a long hall with a grand red carpet down the center. The walls are quite a dull grey with circular windows very high up. It's hot in here, but I suppose there's a reason. You just don't have a million pound factory with a broken cooling system.

"Just drop your coats anywhere," Mr. Wonka says in a lilting voice, taking off his own along with his goggles. I'm sure it's different for rich people, but us poor people don't just put our belongings down without knowing exactly how we can retrieve them and when, if ever. It doesn't matter that this man and I think similarly, I've been taught this lesson the hard way too many times to trust him after eight minutes of knowing him. I take my jacket off beside Charlie who did it without a second thought.

I wait until Mr. Wonka is distracted answering Mr. Teevee's observation as to the absurd temperature before I grab Charlie's coat off the floor and fold it with mine. I hold them behind me and act casual.

"-my workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold," Mr. Wonka explains.

"Who are the workers?" Charlie asks. I was wondering that myself, but I figured I'd see them at some point during the tour. I mean, they do work here. All in good time.

"All in good time. Now, onwards!" He voices my exact thought and a stupid grin slides onto my face. I school my mouth into an indifferent line and follow everyone else onwards.

Do you want me to write some of the important parts (i.e. meeting Dawn, learning her name, etc.) from Wonka's point of view as well?

Make sure to vote and comment on what you liked so I can keep it coming! I might take suggestions.
Thank you, yes you, for reading! It means the world to me!
xoxo, Tilly

Rising Dawn (Willy Wonka X OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon