First to Come, First to Go

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Thick warmth fills my mouth. The chocolate itself isn't actually warm, but it makes me feel warm. Sweet, rich darkness melts in my mouth. The outside of the chocolate is some sort of delightfully bitter smooth shell. Inside, there is a lighter brown, foamy mousse with a sweeter, fluffier taste than the shell. At the very centre of that, there is a white pudding-like cream that squishes out into my mouth. It is rich and coats my mouth with a smooth goodness.

I swallow the chocolate, savoring my new favorite food, and I turn to Mr. Wonka...I mean, Will. My eyes are wide as saucers and my mouth hangs open, frozen with a dream-like smile. He smiles, clearly amused by my reaction.

"I take it you liked it then?" He chuckles and I almost join him. Almost. Then my stomach starts to hurt. I wonder if there was something bad in that chocolate before I realize that what I'm feeling is hunger. That lonely bite of chocolate is reminding me how completely and utterly empty my stomach is. I finish the chocolate, nearly sighing in satisfaction. I hear some shouting down by the river and turn to see everyone convened there. Mr. Won...Will stands and holds out a hand for me. I take it briefly to rise, then let go and traipse down to the river, careful to stay on the path so I don't ruin any of the wonderous candy creations around me. I'm so tempted to take all the chocolate I see, having discovered my favor for it, but there'll be plenty time for that later. Mr. ...Will follows close behind me.

We arrive just in time to hear Charlie ask, "Who are they?" Followed shortly by Mike asking, "Are they real people?"

I still can't see who they're talking about, but Will must know who they're talking about because he answers, "Of course they're real people, they're Oompa Loompas!"

I reach Charlie and check that he's safe in one piece after being out of my sight for five minutes and wrap my arms around his shoulders. Will stands beside me and gazes across the river. It is then that I look up and have a clear view of who they were talking about. Little men, that all look the same are working across the river. I gasp and my hold on Charlie tightens.

"Oompa Loompas?" Mr. Salt asks in that whiny tone all rich people have. Will starts talking and a sudden thought strikes me. He's rich...and I don't hate him. He hasn't been rude to me or condescending or demanding, just sweet and...woah! Did I just think he's sweet?! I gag internally and try to focus on Will's explanation of his discovery of Oompa Loompas.

By the end of the story, I have gained a whole lot of sympathy for the human-like creatures and started to think of them as cute. That's not weird. Is it?

"They are such wonderful workers. I feel I must warn you, however, that they are very mischevieous. Always making jokes." He smiles and nudges me gently with his elbow. I look up at him and he smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. I get the feeling the Oompa Loompas aren't the only mischevieous ones around here. Will nods his chin to the river a little ways down where I see Augustus Gloop leaning down and taking handfuls of the chocolate, delivering them straight down his throat into his already bulging stomach. He shouldn't be doing that! The chocolate will be contaminated with his awfulness! I open my mouth to say so when Will puts a finger to his lips and shakes his head.

Everyone else is still watching the Oompa Loompas work, fascinated by their size and uniform appearance. Will leans down to me and whispers in my ear, "It's already contaminated. Might as well get something out of putting someone into it."

His warm breath tickling my cheek and gently blowing my hair are so distracting it takes a second for me to register what he said. Will silently shuffles down the hill a ways and glances at me, eyes dancing with playfulness. I clap a hand over my mouth as my eyes widen in surprise. He grins slyly and mouths, Revenge is served. The world seems to slow down as I see him lift his cane, place it against the boy's bottom, and give it one good shove. He then runs back up the hill and turns with the rest of us, acting like he had no idea what happened. I smile widely, barely containing laughter, only letting Will see my struggles.

I realize what he meant by "Revenge is served" suddenly. He was getting revenge for me and Charlie. My heart pangs. I've only known him for thirty-seven minutes and he's already getting revenge for me.

"He'll drown - he can't swim! Save him! Augustus!" the German lady panics. She bustles down the slope and gets on her knees, reaching out for him.

"Oh, no. Whatever shall we do?" Will says in his most monotone voice. That pushes me over the edge. I let out a bark that turns into light giggles. Will smiles in my direction and we hold each other's gaze. I feel something click into place inside me, like a wrong that's somehow been righted. Charlie tugs on my sleeve, breaking the moment and wronging the recent right. He points to the pipe descending just behind Augustus.

"Augustus, watch out! The pipe!" Mrs. Gloop trills. I barely spare a glance at the flailing boy, instead fixing my eyes on Will once again. He is watching the scene with a sort of dark satisfaction that is both terrifying and beautiful. The world erupts in chaos around me, people talking, chocolate flying, and concern spreading. The one constant is Will. Standing statue still, looking on with an ominous satisfaction. He is like the eye in the storm of his own doing. I spare another look at Augustus who is attempting to float on his back, stomach exposed to the open air, belly up. Belly up...belly up...that's what Will said...when he was talking about Augustus's wrongdoing. Huh. That's worrisome.

I watch as Augustus is slowly sucked up the pipe, then caught halfway up. "Look at the Oompa Loompas!" Charlie shouts, bringing our attention to the little men, spreading out and beginning a chant.

"What are they doing?" Veruca asks. I was wondering that myself.

Will's mood has improved greatly. At least, he is no longer staring hungrily at a boy in trouble. "Why, I believe they're going to treat us to a little song! It is a special occasion, of course, they haven't had a fresh audience in many moons!"

Will smiles down at me and waves me over to a spot where I can clearly see the little men. I go and am grateful for the front row seat when the Oompa Loompas begin singing and dancing to their incredibly accurate song. When it ends Will and I clap politely, much to the dismay of everyone else. "Bravo! Well done! Aren't they charming? Aren't they delightful?"

Mr. Salt nods uneasily. "I do say, that all seemed rather rehearsed..."

I can't help but agree with him a little. Mike adds, "Like they knew it was all gonna happen..."

"Oh, poppycock." Will waves a casual dismissive hand.

"Where is my son? Where does that pipe go to?" Mrs. Gloop asks frantically. She paces slowly and widens her eyes expectantly at Will.

Will thinks for a moment, then says, "That pipe? It just happens to go the room where I make the most delicious kind of strawberry-coated chocolate-flavoured fudge!"

Oh, dear. Mrs. Gloop nearly loses it at that. "Then he'll be made into strawberry-coated chocolate-flavoured fudge! They'll be selling him by the pound all over the world!"

I know I should be worried for the boy, but all I can think is Ew. No one would want that. I wrinkle my nose.

"No, I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible!" I grin. My thoughts exactly. "Can you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop? Ew. No one would buy it." I laugh and I feel the smile reach my eyes. Woah! I knew other people can have smiley eyes, but I didn't know I could do it too. Will smiles warmly and proudly back at me before calling over an Oompa Loompa. The little man shoves his way through the kids, then stops in front of me. He cranes his neck to look up at me and bows suddenly. What do I do?! My brain goes on polite-autopilot, and I give a small, sloppy courtesy in response. Then he veers around me and stands in front of Will. Will crouches down in front of him. "I want you to take Mrs. Gloop to the fudge room, 'kay?" Those are the most glorious words I have ever heard. Fudge room. "Help her find her son. Take a long stick, and start poking around in the mixing barrel. 'Kay?"

The Oompa Loompa hurries off and Will straightens up, flashing a No worries! smile at me. I almost smile back and shake my head at him. He's crazy. Absolutely insane. I like insane.

I know this chapter is kind of boring. Not my best work, I'll admit, but it needs to be there. I hope you didn't hate it too much!
Thank you so much for reading! Keep being amazing!
xoxo, Tilly

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