“Ok.” bakugou goes exit the camera, but just as he does the camera just changes instead

“Show your face. What did they do?” Shoto asks, opening a private video call with just the two of them. 

Bakugou looked at the screen confused as he just saw the worried and barely dressed male stare back at him. Everyone else was gone, and it seemed to be pretty private. “What are you talking about? My lips are just a little dry so they cracked, don’t worry about it Icy-Hot.” Bakugou says, through still gritted teeth. 

“I said, show me. I know that you are hurt and I want to see how severe it is, or I will run there right now.” Shoto says, worried. 

Bakugou slowly lowered his hand and showed the deep blue bruise covering his cheek, paired with the cut lip, Shoto knew he was punched. “I’m fine,  I need to get back to-” Bakugou says, moving around his papers.

“I’m coming to get you, right now. I just asked Aizawa and he said it was ok. My place isn't the best, but Endeavor wouldn’t lay a hand on you no matter what.” Todoroki says putting on his shoes. 

“I don’t need you to come to my rescue, just get back to class.'' Bakugou says, noticing faint yelling coming from Shoto’s room. “I can hear yelling from you, so it’s not much better.

“That isn’t my family, I’ve got the class call on my phone, Kirishima is still yelling.” Todoroki says, smiling weakly. Shoto showed the phone to thee camera and kirishma’s quirk activated, hardening him from head to toe. 

“I’m fine shitty hair, you’ve done worse during training so shut up and calm down.” Bakugou says, calming Kirishima, and Shoto lowers his phone.  

“Ok, now pack a bag for however long you think they're going to fight, I’ll be outside your window.” Shoto says, grabbing a black hoodie and pulling it on over his thin black tank top.  

Bakugou went to protest, but Shoto had hung up. Bakugou just grabbed a duffle bag and started to throw clothes in, he didn’t care enough to see how many of each he threw in. He grabbed his toothbrush and  face wash as well and threw them in the bag. Bakugou sat back on his bed so he could see out his window, and was doing his work off of his computer. After a few more minutes of screaming he heard someone coming up the stairs. Quikly, Bakugou hid his bag and went back to work. 

“Why the fuck aren’t you doing your school work?” His mom asks, still annoyed and not cooling down from the fight. 

“We have our work online, I'm just working on that then we log on again in an hour.” Bakugou says, a little annoyed. 

“Don’t talk back to me in that tone.” She says, walking over to Bakugou. Bakugou closes his computer, pushing it to the side. 

“I didn't use an attitude, I’m just busy.” Bakugou says standing up and starting to walk over to his desk and grab his text book. His mom thought that Bakugou was just brushing her off and her anger rose. She leaned into it and punched Bakugou in the gut letting off a small explosion apon contact.The blond boy doubled over in pain and his mom turned towards the door and started to leave. 

“I am your mother, and you will respect me. Don’t use an attitude and don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” bakugou’s mom says, leaving and slamming the door behind her. Bakugou straightened himself back up just focused on his breathing. Not two seconds later his phone went off and he saw Todoroki’s red and white head outside. Bakugou threw down his bag and jumped down. 

Bakugou flinched in even more pain from his stomach and the impact. “Shit- Hey Icy-Hot.” bakugou says, clenching his stomach with one hand. 

“What the hell happened?” Todoroki asks, seeing Bakugou in pain. Bakugou bit his bloody lip and looked up at Todoroki, ignoring his pain. 

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