43: yugi twins

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[This is a cafe AU, both Yugi brothers are alive]
"Yashiro.. Look at the guys at the table across from us..!" (Y/N) gawked at the two brothers from afar. "They look super cute!!!"

A bead of sweat dripped from Yashiro's cheek. "If you say so.." She said. "But they're not exactly.. hot."

(Y/N) gasped at her friend's reaction. "That's the point! They're cute!" She exclaimed, ready to start a debate.

"Yeah, but Minamoto-Senpai'a cuter.. He's hot... popular... dreamy.. ahh..." Yashiro sighed dreamily, staring off into who knows where.

She's probabl daydreaming about him again.. The (H/C) haired girl sighed, sipping her cold drink briskly. "Cute guys are better than hot guys.." She mumbled to herself.

"..like those twin boys.." (Y/N) dozed off until she heard an excited voice.

"Amane! Amane! There's a girl from our school who thinks we're cute!!" One overly hyper voice shouted.

"Tsukasa, stop.! She was asleep!" Another, slightly shyer, voice spoke in a slightly more quiet voice.

The quiet (H/C) haired girl slowly opened her eyes to see two boys, seemingly twins, or atleast brothers. One brother, with a gauze on his cheek and a few bandaids, was very much one-sidedly "arguing" with his brother. The other boy didn't seem to be taking his brother's words very seriously, because he was only smiling and giggling.

"We should really get going, Tsukasa.!" The bandaged boy suggested, slightly flustered.

"But Amane..!! The girl's awake, her friend noticed us and I wanna get their numbers!!" The weirdly toothed one whined, flailing his arms slightly.

"We're disturbing the other people, though."


It was the moment of realization: Literally everyone was watching the twins as the bandaged boy finally gave in and they walked over to the two friends, Yashiro and (Y/N).

"Hey! I want your numbers!!" Screamed the overly excited one as he rushed towards them excitedly. The other one pulled him back before any damage could be done to the two girls.

"Sorry. You don't have to." He bowed kindly. When he looked up, he smirked a little. "But, it would be very nice if we had your numbers."

Yashiro blushed at the sudden smirk. She made eye contact with her friend, (Y/N), her eyes screamed: We gotta do so!!

(Y/N) shook her head, her eyes screamed: We hardly know them!! Cuteness can only go so far..!

But they're our classmates, don't you know??!

Wait, what? Oh gosh, fine.

(Y/N) sighed, turning to the two brothers. "Sorry-" Their smiles just faltered a bit. "..for taking quite a while. Here you go.." She ripped a small piece of paper and wrote her and her friend's numbers on each side and handed them to the two boys.

"Thanks!" Satisfied, they both left.

(Y/N) turned to Yashiro. "Are you sure that was the proper choice..?"

Yashiro nodded vigorously. "Yeah, of course!!" She exclaimed. "Aren't they pretty popular?"

Another moment of realization struck harder than Truck-Kun. "Oh."


Unknown added Unkown
Unkown added Yashiro Nene
Unkown added (L/N) (Y/N)
Unkown named groupchat "My Very First Groupchat, Wow!"

Me: Who is this?

I'm that boy you met at the cafe today! Tsukasa! :Unkown

(L/N) (Y/N) changed Unkown's name to Tsuskskskasa

Who dis? :Unkown

the cute grills from the cafe :Tsuskskskasa

Oh. :Unknown
Unknown is typing..

I'm Amane. :Unknown

(L/N) (Y/N): k

(L/N) (Y/N) changed Unkown's name to "Ah, my name"

Yashiro is typing...
...aaaaAAAAAAAAA :Yashiro

Tsukasa x Reader Fluff
Teru x Reader x Kou
Mitsuba x Reader x Kou
Jealous Teru x Reader
Yamabuki x Reader
Tsukasa x Reader Fluff
Hanako x Reader Fluff
Natsuhiko x Reader Angst
Yandere Hanako x Reader


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