27: tsukasa

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Tsukasa, yes Tsukasa, the same Tsukasa who wouldn't wince, cry or tear at the shedding of blood..

..has both, winced, teared and cried at the shedding of blood. After so many years.

Not just anyone's blood, but the blood of (Y/N) (L/N).


"I don't know what I'll do here.. People's bodies passing through mine, not being seen, heard or acknowledged.. I just want to be known.." Spoke the quiet apparation, nothing much was projected in her voice.

"I know just the thing! Here, I'll show you the ropes.." Tsukasa spoke, grinning ever widely, as usual. "You just need to go bump into students! Simple!"

"B-but they can't see me!" (Y/n) protested, a little angry at Tsukasa's "lack of thought".

"Just 'cause they can't see you doesn't mean they can't touch you♡" Tsukasa grinned. Suddenly, he pushed (Y/N) off into the sea of students. "Off you go!"


"Sakura!" Exclaimed the childish ghost. "SakuraSakuraSakuraSakura!! I have a new client!!!"

"That's wonderful" Sakura said, not really seeming to care about what happened to the cat-like apparation.

"Sakuraaaa I need you to spread some rumours!!" He whined, floating onto of his assistant's head.

"Yes, Tsukasa." Sakura stood up, attempting to pry Tsukasa off of her head. "What's the rumour?"

Tsukasa perked up, before grinning widely. "This one's only half-baked, there's not enough regret in it, sorry!"

"That does not matter, Tsukasa. Please tell me the rumour."

"Oh! Right! Well one of the hallways in the Highschool section of the building, you have the chance of running into a young, beauuuutiful girl. If you come into contact with her, BAM! YOU DIE IN AN EXPLODING-" Sakura put her hand overtop of the apparation's mouth, signaling for him to shut his mouth.

"Let's keep it.. cleaner, Tsukasa." Tsukasa groaned at this.

"Fiine." He complained. "If you come into contact with her, you get bad luck." He pouted, crossing his arms in a huff.

"Good boy." Sakura stroked Tsukasa's head softly.


"(Huff).. (huff)" The young, dead girl was slowly wondering the hallways, exhausted from all the constant running she had subjected herself to.

(Y/N) was about to make a 90° turn at the end of the hallway. Putting one step in front of the other and proceeding to walk, she hit something.


She hit something.

Omigosh, I finally ran into something!!

Suddenly, she heard a long groan from the human she had came into contact with.

"What's your problem, shouldn't you be in class-" It took him only a single glance to realise your transparent figure. "A spirit!!"

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