49: hanako

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She kissed him. She kissed him. Though it was only a simple kiss on the cheek, my eyebrows furrowed in jealously as I watched the boy blush madly at the girl.

First of all, when did my childhood best friend, who weirdly took an alias a Hanako, start getting interested in a girl? A living girl. He could have gone for someone his age, cough cough me, or someone he knew better, cough cough me.

Second of all, I have been dropping hints since I died. "You know, I kinda died for you," was said by me to him somewhat often, as a joke. Hanako would shrug it off, laughing, like always. I rarely saw him blush ever now. It was mostly my friend Amane who blushed at my jokes.

I missed Amane. He was cute. Plus, Amane would be a loyal friend, unlike Mr Radish fetish over here.

Yashiro blushed a little, while Hanako blushed a lot after a few seconds.

I forced on a mischevious grin in case they'd see me and look here; they didn't.

I decided to go confront the two later. I got up and quickly floated away to the safety and comfort of my boundary; it was my only home as a supernatural, after all.


The next day, Hanako snuck up behind me. He seemed oddly happy as he ruffled my (h/c) hair. This was common, but I kinda missed it being the other way around...

I sighed dramatically. "I die for you, and you go around kissing the other ladies? That's sick, man, sick...." I said, pulling my hands to the back of my neck with my eyebrows furrowed. At least I could vent in some way, right?

Hanako's face flushed a little; I noticed that. "Ah, you saw that? What are you? Jealous??"

I scoffed jealously. He got the point. "Pfft, as if. Go kiss your girlfriend now, loverboy~"

Hanako looked shoked before returning to his normal grin. "Ah, then you wouldn't mind if I.." he said smugly. He certainly grew to cover up his feelings, I thought. "Date her?"

Yes I'd mind, I said in my head. Sadly, I only frowned at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't really care, mate, she's your girlfriend," I said nonchalantly.

Hanako grinned sheepishly. "Psshh... she's not my girlfriend, she couldn't understand me as a human..~"

I smirked, turning over to Hanako. He liked it when I called him Hanako. I liked it when I called him Amane. "So you're going to turn her into supernatural? You know you'd have to, like, kill her, right?"

Hanako shrugged.

"You're serious? Deathly serious?" This was it. My friend, Hanako, was going to kill some living girl than can see him.

Actually, that's not a bad idea-

Wait he'll turn her into a supernatural, I'd have no chance with Hanako if so- "Hanako..!!" I whispered yellee at him with a somewhat put-off expression plastered over my face. "You can't just kill her, she's got her whole life infront of her!!" I let out a snort. "..I mean, she's gonna die anyways.. Let her enjoy her life, you butt."

Hanako grinned. I wish I could read him as easily as I read Amane but this form of him was much more guarded. His grins were plastered over his frowns while the seal on his cheek sealed his lips shut. The boy's smirk only grew wider.

"I want her to live, too, (Y/N)," he said, looking away.

"Then why would you.."


"Hey, (Y/N)," he said. I loved it when Hanako called me (Y/N) instead of my supernatural alias. It reminded me of when we were human. When Tsukasa was around. When we were kids.

I don't think that feeling of nostalgis was reciprocated though.

"I'm gonna 'cause a severance."

What? Why? It's suffering for everyone but the mortal girl. You're speaking the words of a madman, Hanako.

"I want Yashiro to live, and this is the only way I can think of. Well, it's a byproduct of it, anyway."

Hanako smiled sadly at me. I stared at him in shock. My voice failed to project out of my throat. I tried reaching to my friend, but my hand could barely move.

"I-I... Hana-"

"You don't have to force a shocked face, (Y/N)." What? "I know you never liked me; Hanako."

"T-That's not.."

"It's alright! I already gave up trying years ago. You can cling onto Amane just like Tsukasa did."


He died for her. He died for her. Well, Hanako didn't really die, but he sure did sacrifice a lot just for the mortal girl.

Thanks to the two of them, I'm locked inside my boundary. No Hanako, no Tsukasa, other supernaturals were around. This used to be a place of comfort, a place of isolation.

Now I'm sick of it.

The boundary kept me from the one person that made me want to be a suoernatural. The afterlife, as I'd thought, wouldn't be fun without Amane..

Amane.. My thoughts often drifted to him. Not this 'Hanako' guy he so loved to play as.

(Y/N).. A disappointed voice spoke.

Amane? Is that you?

He sighed, I could have sworn he was frowning from wherever he spoke from. Amane died. You have to move on.

Was this some sick joke? Was I hearing things.

The boy you once knew as Amane has passed for more than half a century.

The confirmation of the fact only made me feel worse. I knew this. I knew Hanako was not the same as Amane. Not anymore.

The boundary left me to be stuck in my misery as I cried endlessly.

"Curse you, Hanako.." If I could hear smiles, Hanako surely was smiling right now.

Natsuhiko x Reader Angst
Yandere Hanako x Reader

Toilet-Bound Hanako-San Oneshots!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu