#64 Heartache on the Big Screen - Song Pref

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**Heyy guys! Finally got 700K reads and nearly 6K votes!!!! I can't believe it! Thank you so much! And also, if you have wrote an imagine for me, please start sending me them because I have a few more preferences I will be doing and then I was thinking about posting them after these. If you want to take part, here is the description again; The imagine is where any one of the guys is the shy guy at school and there is a girl known for being friendly and he has a crush on her. But, he gets bullied for doing so. And somehow they end up together (However you want). Or something along those lines? It can include dirtiness as well if want, I do not mind. DM them to me and I will post them on here and give you full credit it for them. Have fun!**

Luke: "It started out like, in the movie. But it ended, like a bad dream."

It all started like your life was a part of some random movie or something. You were the girl who likes to keep to herself and had one very close friend and he was the boy that got along with everyone and that everyone knew of. Soon he started to notice you more and talk to you more and you both started to develop feelings for each other. It was all going well, but like every relationship, it has its bad moments and you kept having quite a few of them. One day, you were in the middle of another argument and it looked like it finally broke for Luke. His breathing picked up, face going red and fists were being clenched. "It's always your fault (Y/N)! Don't you get that? You are always the one moaning and whining when I leave you to go hang out with friends. I am getting sick of it," Michael shouted at you and you were cowering away in the corner. You tried to get a word in but he kept talking. "I am getting so sick of it. So sick of you! I don't know what I thought about ever liking you! It was a mistake!" was the last line he shouted before throwing a vase against the wall and storming out of the house.

Calum: "Curtain opened, heard the crowd roar. This one's a repeat, seen it before"

Calum was staring ahead of him, at nothing, thinking about you and all the good times you had with each other, but also remembering how it ended between the two of you. It had happened to him before in another relationship and he had told you what he was scared of you doing, repeating what his ex did. You promised him you wouldn't do anything like it and he believed you. He believed the lie you had told him. He gave his heart to you, thinking he could trust you, but he was wrong. Just when he thought things were going perfect for you two, you told him that there was someone else. After you promised not to leave him. You left him. For the same reason his ex did. For someone else. Calum wrote a song about it. About you. About how this is a repeat and that he has been through it before. As he stepped out onto the stage, hearing the crowd roaring with excitement, he was preparing to sing the song he wrote, filled with his emotions. Memories flashing back whilst singing, and making his heart break even more.

Michael: "Rewind to the start before it all went wrong"

Lately, Michael had been getting more and more under stress with everything. Touring. Writing songs. Missing his family. It was all building up on him and you could see if was starting to take a toll on him. You saw him crying the other day, but when you went to speak to him, he would push you away and ignore you, not telling you anything. Not letting you help. Days past and you were getting more worried about him, but each day, he would push you away more. One day when you walked into the dressing room and he was on his own, back turned to you, you decided to ask again what was wrong. However, when you did, you didn't get a calm answer you were hoping for though. "Just leave me alone! Why do you keep bugging me (Y/N)!?" he yelled at you and you instantly got scared, backing up against the wall. "I am just trying to help Mikey," you said in a whisper, hoping he wouldn't lash out again. You were wrong. "You wanna help? Fine. Leave! I don't need you hear constantly nagging in my ear all the time!" he screamed and next thing you knew, a hand flew to your face. You looked at him in shock. He looked back at you with the same look, wondering why the hell he just did that. You were both wishing to be able to rewind back before it all started going wrong for you two.

Ashton: "Back to square one, where I started. When I stand here, broken hearted."

Ashton was left sitting in the coffee shop, staring out of the window, staring at a park where little kids were playing. He didn't pay attention to that though. He paid attention to the memories in his head. The ones of you and him at that park. Laughing. Playing. It made him smile. But then reality starting kicking him for him. The reason he was in there all on his own, holding a cold cup of coffee. You. The place is at right now, the exact place where he is sitting is where you two met. Where it all began. The seat across from him was where you were sat when he first saw you. As he stared at the seat, he could clearly see the scene play in front of him. Him walking up to you, using one of his cheesy pickup lines, you smiling, enjoying his company. He sat down and you two got talking. 2 years later, he was back here. Broken hearted. Back to square one.

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