Merge of Academies

Start from the beginning

“But after observation,” Jane piped in. “I think those three, Derek, Cole and Aiden are definitely a power three. Derek especially, seems like a ring leader to all the boys.”

Katelyn nodded. Derek definitely was the role model for the rest of the boys.

“We just need to watch out for them,” she agreed. “Keep them in check, the rest will stay in check.”

“Another great day for Technology class,” Miss Lee said. “We also welcome the Guildford boys to our class.” Miss Lee scanned her new students with a small smile. “Who remembers what we worked on last class?” she asked.

Jane raised her hand.

“Miss Mercedes?”


“Would you like to elaborate for the boys?

Jane nodded. “We worked with lasers as glass cutting tools. We practiced aim and efficiency while using them as well as learned different disguises to conceal them such as rings, flashlights and etc.”

“Thank you, Jane,” Miss Lee said. She walked over and tapped on the giant tablet mounted on the wall. It was her “chalkboard.” “We are taking a break from laser today,” she explained to the class. “The IA lab just sent in new inventions for us to try out,” she announced. “I also thought it would be a simple way to familiarize the Guildford boys with our IA technology.”

Everyone anxiously waited as Miss Lee swiped to a picture on the screen. It was a large metal circular disk with an image of footprints on the surface. Katelyn guessed that’s where the feet were supposed to go.”

“These are crash disks,” Miss Lee told them.

She pressed a button on a remote she carried and the lights in the classroom turned off. Another tap on the tablet and a simulation appeared. She narrated as the simulation played.

“So the crash disk is very similar to a hover disk. In theory, if you were stranded at a high altitude with no escape, the crash disk will help you. Instead of using parachutes, you press the center and it will expand into three feet in diameter. You simply step on it and jump. The bottom will automatically attract the soles of your shoes and secure you as you slowly drift down instead of plummeting to your death…”

Katelyn was very curious to see if it actually worked. It was like a personal elevator anywhere you went.

Miss Lee turned the lights back on and opened the door. Around a dozen women walked in, each with a small metal case in their hands.

“Alright, ladies and gentleman,” Miss Lee said, gesturing for them to get up. “Get ready to some window jumping.”

Under her desk, she pulled out a large box of safety harnesses and cords. “Suit up,” she added. “These aren’t perfect yet.”

Katelyn and her friends each grabbed a harness. “This sounds really cool,” she whispered to her friends.

Sammy nodded, tightening the harness around herself. “We’re defying gravity!”

“This is Dr. Hike,” Miss Lee introduced. “She will provide some tips before we push you out the window.”

Everyone nervously laughed at the joke.

“Who wants to start?” Miss Lee asked.

The room got quiet. Being the first was always the riskiest. Katelyn was about to raise her hand when Derek stepped forward.

“I’ll start,” he offered.

Dr. Hike nodded and opened her metal case. She handed the small disk to Derek. It was about palm sized. Derek cautiously pressed the center and metal plates sprouted out from the center and slid into place until it formed the large disk from the video.

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