Every soldier in the room cheered loudly. They raised whatever weapons they had in their hands.

"Good, we attack tomorrow" said Link.

"Tomorrow?" asked Jorulph. "Isnt that a bit-"

"Ganondorf wont rest now. We brought the shield. He wont stay quiet. If we dont attack him soon, he will attack us. So we need to go tomorrow."

"Understood, Sir Harkinian." Replied Jorulph.

Then link turned to Zelda. "Come with me."

Zelda started following link, where he was going she did not know.

He took zelda to the top of the fort walls.

"Link... Im sorry" said Zelda.

"For what?" Asked Link.

"Rusl... He died, to protect me... I-"

"Dont say anything. He knew what he was doing. Talking like that would be an insult to his memory."

"I- youre right, of course you are"

Link went to the edge of the wall, and started staring at the stars.

"Do you know what he said to me?"

"What?" Asked Zelda.

"Just before he died, one of his last words were 'Tell her'." Said link with tears in his eyes the second time in this night.

"What does that mean?" Asked zelda, who was quite puzzled.

"You. It meant telling you."

"Me? What could be so important that rusl-"

"The night i arrived here." Link cut her off, "You hugged me and said you still love me. I said I don't. But that was a lie, i-"

Suddenly a Horn started Blaring from the watchtowers.

"Gerudos!" Someone shouted.
"Looks like 50000 and-" but the soldier never finished his sentence because an arrow came from the gerudo army and hit that soldier straight in the heart.

The gerudos stopped marching.

"Take cover!" Link shouted, expecting another volley of arrows but they didnt come. Link peeked over the edge and the gerudos were still just standing there, waiting for something.

Link got up to his feet and finally got a good look at the army. It was massive, 50000 would be modesty. And there in the middle was... No it couldn't be, but it was, Ganondorf himself! By the looks of it he shot that arrow because he was holding a giant bow.

Suddenly someone said, "Theres a message!"

Link looked towards the soldiers body and sure enough, there was a message tied to the arrow. Linl slowly opened it and read it.

Hyruleans. Ive outnumbered you heavily. You cant win this fight and you know it. I only have one wish. Give me the queen. I will leave Hyrule untouched. Give me the queen and you can live happily. Give me the queen and youll live, but she wont ofcourse. Also i believe something was stolen from me today so i need that back too. You have until midnight, then we attack.

- The Demon King

Link started laughing. Everyone looked at him puzzled. He laughed even more.

"Ganondorf thinks we are cowards." Said Link.

"He thinks we'll give him the queen to save our necks. Well he doesnt know that we are not dogs like him. He doesnt know what bravery is. Of course we'll fight."

"Seconded." said Jorulph.

"Thirded?" Said a Terminian Chuckling. Others around him started laughing too.

"But shouldnt we at least consult-?

"You have any problems?" Said Link giving him a death stare.

"Uh- No, No Sir!"

"Good. And you!" said link looking towards the laughing soldiers. They stopped immediately.

"No, laugh. Laugh harder. Let that scum hear our laughs. Let him know that we arent scared. Laugh i say LAUGH." Every soldier started laughing. Link looked over the walls to see Ganondorf having an irritated smirk.

"Give me a piece of paper." Said Link. Someone gave it to him.

You filthy bastard. You think were scared? Then youre as dumb as you are a coward. You said youd attack us at midnight. Well guess what, we got you first.

Link tied it to an arrow and launched it at a gerudo soldier.

Ganondorf saw this and motioned for someone to take the piece of paper. He read it and looked back at link and link yelled "ATTACK!"

All the soldiers launched arrows at the gerudo. Many of them were taken by surprise and died.

Link then looked at zelda and said "Lets do this."

"Werent you saying something?"

"Well youll have to make it through this to find out." Said Link with a smirk.

A/N : Finally! I did it! I finally wrote the next chapter. Tbh i wrote the first 200 words just 2 days after the last chapter but then covid 19 and lockdown and stuff. Also i got writers block, @zelink2408 helped me a lot in that. But now it's finally here! What do you think of this chapter. Rusl... Is gone, but he went like a hero. And ma boi link almost told zelda. But just like zelda youre gonna have to find out if he actually says it in the further chapters. Also i am looking at 10-12 chapters and possibly a sequel for this story. Ive got some ideas but youll have to see. Also i wont make any promises about the next chapters release date (i learn from my mistakes). But i can assure it would be full of action. This story is set in war after all. So very long authors note i know. Stay safe and stay tuned for the next chapter. Bai!

Word Count : 1192 (Without A/N)

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